Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 195,542,153 Issue: 861 | 29th day of Running, Y21
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Short Stories

Kauvara's Mixed Potions

A male Pirate Xweetok dressed in a Dapper Xweetok Trousers, Dapper Xweetok Shirt and Waistcoat, Explorer Backpack, Dapper Xweetok Shoes and a Cool Xweetok Wig just walked past Kauvara’s Magic Shop with his Petpet, a Snowbunny when he noticed a sign posted on the door.

by bubbles150
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The Coconut: Introducing a New Mascot

Today we’re unveiling Neopia’s newest source of information: The Coconut. Chock-full of all the most widely asked questions and mostly factual stories, we’ll be the ones delivering the pinnacle of quality to your front door. Or back door. Or dimensional gateway. We’re not picky with our customers or delivery locations. We’ll deliver newspapers via flaming coconuts, so make sure to duck!

Other Stories


The Coconut: Introducing a New Mascot
GOOD NIGHT, mr. coconut

by parody_ham


10 Apples You Can Still Eat
Apples. Crispy, sweet, juicy. The perfect fruit. I love them. You love them. And you know what? No matter what stage of freshness apples are in, they’re still delicious.

by newenglandquizzer


A Queen's Ascension - War:Part Twelve
“I have always dreamed of becoming your queen, ever since I was a little girl.”

by dudeiloled


Searching a place:Part Eight
Chapter 8. The Final Battle, Isla de Roo, Meridell and Brightvale.

Also by acespades1, charliews & hits

by nacil30


Random Oddness: April Fools
Please use this thumbnail for the comic:

by mistyqee


Lost at Sea
wanna hear a joke?

by flusia

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