A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 195,197,181 Issue: 831 | 15th day of Relaxing, Y20
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Short Stories

A Letter to the Freaky Factory Thief

Dear Purple Grundo Sir,

Hello. I am a worker at what me and my coworkers have come to call the “Freaky Factory”, one of Krelufun’s toy factories. I have seen you there, on my shift, stealing toys from the line after I have just made them. I won’t ask you why you do such things, I only ask that you stop.

by moonandflowers

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A Guide to Throwing a Great Altador Cup Party

The Altador Cup is officially underway: fans are going wild in the stands, slushie sales are up five-hundred percent, and Darigan Yooyu’s are wreaking havoc on the participating teams match-ups. As expected, traveling to Altador is quite expensive this time of year, not to mention, the price of tickets to see the much anticipated events themselves is astronomically high. So, the common Neopet will have to be content watching the excitement from the comfort of their Neohome. Of course, just because you’re watching from home doesn’t mean you should have any less fun than those scoring goals on real Yooyuball practice fields, or those enjoying a slushie while watching their favorite team win as they relax in the stands! This comprehensive guide was put together to helping you throw a perfect Altador Cup party! Of course, first and foremost is a Neovision screen. Neovision will be covering all the Altador Cup action this year. It’s also a good idea to have Neovision all the time anyway, there are lots of good shows out there). You can buy Neovision at your local furniture store, and if you desire, other accessories to enhance your experience, such as a Neovision stand, speakers, and a comfy couch to sit on while watching.

Other Stories


Snaw's Guide to Acting Like a Major Boss NT Star!
I have compiled a list of the most essential qualities of anybody who has ever been accepted into the Neopian Times! Whether it’s one hundred entries or just a single measly one, having the right persona can make any of you wannabe losers into an NT Star worth noticing!

by downrightdude


The Neoboards and YOU! - A quick guide to the boards
Over the years, the Neoboards have been a forum for the citizens of Neopia to gather and discuss whatever is happening on the site. Needless to say, the boards never completely covered all the possible topics, and they have grown to cover other topics than they were originally intended.

by 1337_masta


Hope For New:Part Three
“How did you...Toto….but Melissa…I thought that...” I had so many questions, and I couldn’t finish a single one.

by hazelsmartotop


The Shadow of Takeryuu:Part Eight
It was rainy and cool on the morning Eunji first saw the Imperial City. Built on a flattened mountain top, the sprawling complex of buildings was surrounded by a thick wall, on top of which tall banners flapped imposingly. Below, the mountain dropped off in sheer cliffs, its roots hidden in mists that swirled around it and the other pillar-like peaks in this mountain range.

by cosmicfire918


Collectors Have It Rough!
Hmmm good question...

by preksolanx


Please Be Quiet
my bad...

by piratesy

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