Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 193,383,333 Issue: 687 | 26th day of Relaxing, Y17
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Short Stories

Uncle Sport

The spotted Gelert, at his brother’s answer, exchanged a swift glance with his wife, Nisha. That’s when Sport felt the first inkling of alarm. Had X’s question not been as innocent as Sport had first thought? The green Nimmo shifted, sitting forward in his seat and studying his brother and his sister-in-law closely.

by 77thbigby
A Very Maraquan Christmas

There were two things that this had never applied to and probably never would: Yooyuball, and the Day of Giving.

by rookerooke10
Scabbard and Vyaro Meet

Scabbard... a wannabe hero, and Vyaro... a tough girl who doesn't mind telling other exactly what she thinks!

by carizeecrow
Friday: Therapy Session

His Client was sprawled atop a red lounge chair while he regarded his therapist’s counselling office. He was reviewing the events that led up to his current predicament. Shrugging his shoulders, he revealed, “I’m unattached again.”

by vanquishee
How to Plan a Vacation Disaster

This daily routine that we’ve been following for the past nine months was finally over. School was finally over and we were all crowded into the living room where our mother was waiting for us.

by frostyweather
The Warrior Princess: The War for Alkuu

Princess Clarity looked around as she walked through what used to be her home. The village houses were in shambles and the only plant life was the forbidden forest. Clarity sighed. It was the dead of the night and everyone was asleep. Clarity and her friends were walking in the village to see if any of the villagers would join their cause of defeating that horrid witch, Mara.

by purplbrooke
The Case of the Almost Abandoned Attic: Part Two

“Your attic is quite…a sight…” Caffax remarked, dusting off his jacket and sidestepping broken glass on the wooden floor.

by delphene3
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"Therapy Session" by vanquishee
Every single inch of the beige wall was covered with bookcases almost as tall as the ceiling. Within each bookcase were five shelves, with books jammed in every nook and cranny. Not only that, but books upon books are stacked up across the parquet floor, used as paperweights, or even used as a makeshift window stand to allow the cool summer breeze into the (claustrophobic) room.

Other Stories


A Love Letter To Altador Cup Participants
I was inspired to write an article all about the positive changes that have happened this year! Besides the newfound kindness being spread around, what makes this year's Altador Cup different from previous years?

by indulgences


100 Neopoint Neopian Readers Program: REMASH
Hey, readers! You can score my entire reading list at the Shop Wizard all for under 100 NP!

by elksquid


The Fire Within: Part Five
They arrived at the Shining Chasm that evening, as far as Yardly could tell in the timeless dark of the caverns. The tunnel had widened out slightly, giving way to a solid wall of what looked like white marble. A door appeared to be carved into the rock, closed fast, with what looked like Maraquan symbols carved around it.

by herdygerdy


Faerie Wings III: The Nightmare of Dreamland: Part Three
Illere’s eyes widened. She turned to Brillare and asked, “Have you ever heard of a place called ‘Dreamland’ before?”

by downrightdude


Slushie Slingers
Be courteous or bring a towel!

by l_like_animals


Too Soft
Grarrl's aren't meant to be soft.

by table

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