A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 193,319,603 Issue: 683 | 29th day of Hunting, Y17
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Short Stories

The Palindrome of Thade

The class room was quiet, almost an eerie quiet. I was sitting at my desk trying to solve the latest anagram book.

by cyber1ofkakoradesert
Some Things Never Change

A Tyrannian Cybunny stormed over to the Gelert. "Ug ugga! Gug!" the Cybunny yelled...

by spittingcobra1
A New Start

I shivered. How long had it been since I had felt the warmth of a fireplace, or had food in my stomach?

by bunnyhugsgirl
Maggie and Igneot's Fire Flower

Maggie the Darigan Kacheek strolled through the aisles of Uni Clothing, browsing the selections of dresses.

by bsbgirl7777777
Learning Curve

Ideran lounged on a throne of orange coral. It was in a state of disrepair; crumbling in places and large chunks lying around the throne. Ideran seemed not to care...

by ceasei
The Storm Without an End

Long ago, when Hibiscus was just a young Lutari, her home island had been one of Neopia's hottest vacation spots.

by imaworththemoney
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Guide to Neopian Teas

Several months ago when I wrote, "Roasty Toasty: The Best Neopian Coffees", I noticed, despite the name, the Coffee Cave sold more than just coffee. Along with coffees, lattes, and borovan, The Coffee Cave also sells tea – a wonderful and warm beverage if Neopians do not wish to have a caffeinated buzz. I have therefore compiled for you a list of the best teas...

Other Stories


Sipping With Sophistication: A Guide to Neopian Teas
Along with coffees, lattes, and borovan, The Coffee Cave also sells tea – a wonderful and warm beverage...

by pillsi


The Perfect Neohome Buyer's Guide: Mystery Island
Buying a new neohome is a very hard choice, but hopefully by the time you weigh out the good and the bad, you will find the perfect place to live! Let's start off with the exciting land of Mystery Island!

by brittanyandsteven


Scarab Queen: Part Five
Nabile's next chance came the next morning as Nightsteed said, "Ahem... Jazan... you are my superior in terms of magical knowledge, but..."

by saphira_27


Rumored Legacy: Part Two
It wasn't hard to convince the remaining Aisha Thieves to join him, but then, most of them were young and inexperienced; they would believe anything Purrow told them.

by _abiz_


Stealing the Spotlight
Take my avatar!

Idea by new_perspective

by lizzbear_


Think Before You Say It
Yeah, we won't be doing THAT again...

by guineagymnastics

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