For an easier life Circulation: 192,473,754 Issue: 648 | 6th day of Relaxing, Y16
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Short Stories

The Rescue of Dr. Boolin

"I can see the street lights in Neovia," Brave Bren gasps between strides. The howls grow closer...

by pillsi
Life as a Puddle: A Desert Abominable Snowball

Okay, guys, this isn't funny. 

No, really, I'm not kidding.

by kidicarusguy

A Play about a Debate in a Prison

"That would be a Kyrii by the name of Yurius. He was an old student of mine, you see. I scheduled an appointment earlier, but perhaps you didn't-?"

by dragonair23
A Companion For The Count

"Let's take the short cut through the park back," Lina suggested, eager to get back to their neohome.

by goodsigns

"Ada," Dmitri hissed in my ear. "Ask her to hold the cures while we get the NP."

by rocket91__h_h
The Lenny Apprentice

"Today's such a beautiful day," said Mama-Mee while she was looking out of the window.

by nanakagi

"Samii!" KT shouted. "Stop that! You almost hit me! And that looks spiky and dangerous!"

by jarm9
Surviving the Snowager

"Why, oh why, are you even considering this?" he thought aloud to himself as he made his way through the shimmering icy chambers.

by mauduin
Search the Neopian Times


"Decisions" by jarm9
"Mama! Hey! Mama! Looky what Shrowds brought back from Grave Danger for me!" the starry Xweetok shouted, swinging a manacle mace dangerously above her head. "Isn't it great?" "Samii!" KT shouted. "Stop that! You almost hit me! And that looks spiky and dangerous!"

Other Stories


Top 10 Strange but Somehow Adorable Petpets
The weird but oddly adorable Petpets that might get overlooked at first glance.

by niightwind


Celebrating JubJub Day the JubJub Way
It's JubJub Day, which means it's time for... JUBJUB JUBILEE!!

by emtz


Agent of the Sway: Recovery - Part One
Another land had been added to the map. Gradually, the corners were being filled in by unseen hands.

by herdygerdy


Beauty Hides in the Deep: Part Three
"I thought there may be some clues in the Altadorian Archives, but it is one of the younger libraries..."

by xxfallensnowangelxx


Petpetpet Problems
Sounds like someone's displeased with the new random events.

Also by unstock

by l_like_animals


Life Is Hard 2.0
As a Rock

by scathachs

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