Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 191,757,338 Issue: 610 | 30th day of Hiding, Y15
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Short Stories

Sunset Shopping

She idly ruffled through her long hair with her fingers before yawning. "Hunter, do ya think we could actually, I dunno, do something this year?"

by mecha_fang
I Hate (Love) You

"Lindy, dinner's ready," my sister Claire calls from the kitchen. She says it in such a pleasant way that I can't help but be annoyed.

by pochipeach
Allker's Important Lesson

It was the first rainy day we'd had all summer in the Darigan Citadel. I was so sick of the sun and the heat- and I couldn't even enjoy the view of the rain from my own room, since I had no windows.

by hamzandrilez
No Going Back Now

"Which one of us said this was a good idea?"

by johannabelle2009
The Story of Poogle Number Five

Chubs. That was his nickname all throughout his youth. Chubs.

by turtling
The Origins of Friendship

It wasn't always easy being friends with Favar. The Kougra was hyperactive and unpredictable at the best of times...

by hogwartsbean3
The Discarded Enigma

They don't want to believe it was once just a regular old blue Grundo plushie...

by azizara
School, Slippers and Spills

The first thing I did at 5:45 AM was roll over in order to savagely encourage my alarm clock into silence. Whose idea was it anyway to start Neoschool at 8 AM sharp?

by queen_potema
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Chariot Chase Trophy

Chariot Chase is certainly one of the more challenging games to play on Neopets, but once you get the hang of the game it really becomes addicting! I often hear people say when this game is selected for the Daily Dare that they hate this game due to its difficulty. My hope is that this game guide will help you achieve that score you always desired and will open your eyes to the awesomeness of this game!

Other Stories


Do You Have A System For Playing On Neopets?
I asked the Help Neoboard if they have any personal systems that help them to enjoy this marvelous site. I got many interesting replies!

by indulgences


Chasing Your Way To A Chariot Chase Trophy
Chase your dreams and earn a Chariot Chase trophy!

by quiggles_r_kewl_1


Pystry's Elemental Odyssey: Part Six
Pystry stretched his wings in the morning sun, full of confidence. The Mutant Hissi shook his Lucky Pandaphant Doll and gave a double smile at the satisfying clink of 250 Tropical Jelly Beans safe within.

by peirigill


The Old Switcheroo: Part Seven
Dear Diary,

(Hi by the way, I see that I've never called you Dear Diary before and I apologise, I should really be nicer to you and to people in general instead of scowling all the time.)

by liouchan


Turning Pages - Part 7
Also, if you could please tone down the sparkle aura, thanks.

by jupebox


Results May Vary: Healing Springs
At least she gives you something!

by return_of_itsy

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