Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 191,502,891 Issue: 608 | 16th day of Hiding, Y15
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Short Stories

Our Castle

"Got any threes?" My brother, a large red Lupe, peered out from behind his hand of cards.

by thedoggirl_97
The Apple

"This," she said proudly, "is an Everlasting Apple; you can eat as much of it as you want and it'll never run out. Our food problems are solved!"

by geniusbulb
A Little Help From My Friend

"You will do three tasks that meepits commonly do. If you do all three without failure, you may stay."

by wolfsaver654
The Day the Soup Faerie Ran out of Soup

Uh oh, the Soup Faerie ran out of soup! What will happen when she leaves her pet to go shopping?

by yarslov
The Odd Life of a Traveling Meepit

It was about time Meepits were recognized differently. Enjoy!

by tabascosoup
Make a Wish

The Wishing Well sat atop a grassy hill in Neopia Central. A dusty path, which over the years had been worn by thousands of stampeding feet, ran from the well all the way back to the plaza.

by alex9292
A Treatise of Departures

To begin, you never cared for company. Pretentious socialites in the face of existence, you always said.

by antique_bird
Chadley's Challenge

He's so dreamy! *swoons*

by parody_ham
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"A Treatise of Departures" by antique_bird
To begin, you never cared for company. Pretentious socialites in the face of existence, you always said. You maintain that you don't have time for friends. Perhaps you meant it at the time. Perhaps you knew, preemptively, that she would leave you, and that you would forget, just for a while, so you wouldn't have to acknowledge the heavy, hollow feeling in your heart. (Of course...)

Other Stories


Battleground Boons
The Obelisk Battleground is a new permanent site feature that followed the Tyrannia: Obelisk war which ran from February 11, 2013 to March 17, 2013.

by vancouverite2010


Menacing Meercas
To celebrate Meerca Day I thought it would be fun to take an in-depth look at the Meerca species.

by quiggles_r_kewl_1


Agent of the Sway: Induction - Part Six
"No more secrets," Clayton announced as they set sail. "If I'm going to carry on working for you, I want to know what's going on in advance."

by herdygerdy


Pystry's Elemental Odyssey: Part Four
His three adventures meeting experts in water, earth, and air had earned him 150 jelly beans so far, halfway to the 300 he needed. Finding an expert in fire had proved more challenging.

by peirigill


Top Five Reasons Why Not to Give a High Five - #3
It's sticky.

Also by cevierakasky

by centrifugeuse


Squid Slippers - Grundo Fanatic
Why do you become a raging maniac?

by cosmicfire918

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