A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 191,403,084 Issue: 605 | 26th day of Swimming, Y15
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Short Stories

Just a Phase

"I'm sure you're all wondering what you're doing here," Legend said.

by 77thbigby
The Rehabilitation of a Meepit

The day we met, Cecil the Meepit was late. He knew it didn't matter, in all probability no one would notice because of the sheer privacy in which it was held.

by nommitt
The Kindness of a Mad Scientist

Estreeme the Meerca had hit a rough point in her life. She had escaped the pound, struck out on her own with dreams of doing something amazing...

by undeadicarus
The Small Cramped Dark

Bast and Miriam have a secret.

by vltava
101 Ways to Annoy a Uni

"101 Ways to Annoy a Uni?" McCloud was glad he was an Eyrie if someone out there was publishing books like this...

by almedha
The Parade

Gigantic discounts, personal shop assistants and stylists and a full new outfit. He was the happiest Yurble alive.

by pillarbox
The Muted Library

Up on a rural mountain top, there is a wealth of knowledge only to be found by the most devoted of seekers.

by wolfclaw4
The Myth of Venuquin

Straining against the rope, the Shoyru gritted his teeth and pulled, wings mimicking the captain's.

by hipstergabriel
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Venturing to the Vortex

"Sometimes, you'll go all day without so much as a nibble." An older, Purple Krawk sits hunched over the dark waters. In his well-worn claws, a frail rod dangles above the lake as a bobber floats atop the vortex. His shipwreck shorts and fishing vest seemed to be covered in so much sand and salt it makes one wonder how many days, weeks or maybe even years the Krawk has been venturing out to Ye Olde Fishing Vortex...

Other Stories


Interview with the Post Office Shopkeeper
This week, we had the privilege of interviewing the one who is responsible for many Neopian collectors' joy, the Post Office Shopkeeper!

Also by iluvmeezerkatz

by _white_spirit_


Potatoes: Meridell's Greatest Treasure
Restockable in the Merifoods Shop, this item is a cornerstone of the Meridellian economy and can be found all throughout Neopia in various forms. I am speaking, of course, about the potato.

by lutari_lover_555


The Old Switcheroo: Part Two
"Yo, what's up, my Guildies?" Kanrik called out, giving everyone a peace sign.

His greeting was met with a heavy silence and puzzled stares.

by liouchan


Magic and Mayhem: Part Four
Suddenly, a scruffy, blue-ish grey Eyrie materializes shouting, "Beware! Beware! And... uh, BOO!"

by thedoggirl_97


Tomato Omelettes: My Imaginary Friend
This is embarrassing.

by skyward_rush


Witty Title: A New Roommate
What's up?

by fluffy_bumbkin

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