Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 191,286,117 Issue: 602 | 3rd day of Swimming, Y15
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Short Stories

58045 Hagan Row

A little story of a thief, a plushy, a Gelert and 58045 Hagan Row.

by goldfishgirl119
True Kindness

It's not that she felt unfulfilled, or even unhappy. She just had nothing to do with her time.

by gyosco
My Friend the Cupcake Faerie

"What in Neopia is a cupcake faerie?"

"A faerie who makes cupcakes, obviously."

by dewdropzz

Abernathy's Bane

It was all a show. There was no real danger. This was the Haunted Woods, a place that thrived on terror and surprise and impossibility.

by uberdancingdolphin
The Story of Kanrik

The Gelert shivered in the night and coughed, his breath becoming visible in the chilly air. He had been wandering for hours, and still there was no one. No one but him and the howling wind.

by xenna_15
To Be A Big Girl

She was going to be ten years old in a month and she no longer wanted to be called a baby.

by 77thbigby
The Making of a Mercenary

"Yes, Mother. Don't worry. I practiced and even added a few embellishments of my own to the pieces that I'll be performing tonight."

by yin_yin_7
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"Magic and Mayhem" by thedoggirl_97
The sun rises high in the clear blue sky. It bakes the surface of the desert to an unbearable temperature. Crowded and busy, the marketplace is far from peaceful. Shopkeepers bellow their prices and wares hoping to get attention and coin. One fruit shopkeeper, a squat, burly Techo, is quarrelling with a neighboring shopkeeper on the quality of his fruits. He almost...

Other Stories


Creating the Themed Neohome 2.0 of Your Dreams
I would like to share with you my tips on how to create the themed Neohome of your dreams!

by vanessa1357924680


How to Be Yourself in a Crowded Neopia
There is a lot of pressure on us Neopians to have it all – trophies, avatars, expensive items, millions of neopoints, impressive pets. But do those things really matter? Is your Neopet any different red, green, yellow, or blue than when it's Darigan or Royal?

by rupeedupe


The Day After Lutari Day: Part Five
"Oi!" I said as I turned around and caught the Lutari red handed in the act of stealing a pancake. It froze for a second, looking at my with big puppy eyes...

by aethelar


The Return: Part Ten
Even with the boost of Madame Guillotine's ghostly power, the Judge was still losing the fight. Jennings could only watch on in horror as Chaos rained down more and more blows on the caped Moehog.

by herdygerdy


Pea Chia Woes - "It's Called Fiction!"
*pops in*

Also by bittersweet52

by krazybabeh


So Hot :O
I'm so thirsty!

by andy94174

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