There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 191,088,474 Issue: 596 | 24th day of Hunting, Y15
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Short Stories

There's Always Hope

When people, especially those who are newcomers to Neopia, create a Neopet, they usually do it with the best of intentions.

by 12345paco
Tales From Elysian Fields: The Little Guys

You can't chart relics of a time yet to come — an opening into the dark matter before us. Free from the shackles of reality, you are about to take a walk in Elysian Fields.

by bug0704
Fallen from Grace

She had once been beautiful. Her pelt had once been green as spring grass, soft as the clouds.

by pycrion
Dark Faerie Dreams

A normal Faerie would call them nightmares. (Or would they?)

by cookybananas324
A Coy Little Koi

"Come on, guys!" a red Koi called out to his friends. "Last one there is a rotten egg!"

by gyosco
The Abandoned

"Happy birthday, Chloe!" I sat up to see my friends holding a birthday cake at the door to my room.

by erikatz4325
The Hardships of Xana DiLanche

Xana DiLanche, the talented goalkeeper for Shenkuu, who struggles with nerves and self-confidence, meets Damiel Winskey.

by chestnuttiger787
What Makes the Hall

It began when you first heard those once-upon-a-time stories of war; of villains; of heroes.

by aurorapearl
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"Dark Faerie Dreams" by cookybananas324
In her stony prison, the Darkest Faerie sleeps. Sometimes, she dreams of conquering one land after another, setting them all ablaze until there's nothing left but ashes and sorrow...

Other Stories


Attack of the Petpetpets!
There are Petpetpets everywhere you look; there's no escaping them anymore!

by absol_wolf


Winberto Seliz: A True Altadorian
With this year's Altador Cup on the horizon, I had a chance to sit down and chat with everyone's favorite Altadorian Wocky, Winberto Seliz, to hear what his words were about his many years with the team and what he sees for Altador's future.

by sonicmaster1223


King of the Land of the Sun: Part Six
"They believe in you, Altador. They believe that you will lead them through this fear and uncertainty. As does your Council."

by saphira_27


Belonging to the Sky: Part Two
"Hello..." I said nervously and the Skree let out a squawk. I suddenly realised that this was the same Skree Coal and the others had tried to catch the night before.

by dragonwolf8


Random Oddness
So Menacing!

by mistyqee


Boo Hiss - Crosspaints More Like CrossPAINS
There is no easy way to choose an Altador Cup team.

by elshastara

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