Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 190,777,808 Issue: 583 | 22nd day of Awakening, Y15
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Short Stories

The Winter Gift

"I... I think someone is out there," Sweets said, and as one they all turned their heads toward the window.

by goodsigns
A Candychan Beginning

He hadn't found any more Chocolate Candychans. I took a peek at myself in the oddly reflective walls of the Ice Caves. With rich chocolate stripes and fluffy whipped cream wings, I was one of a kind. But why?

by twocents
Judging a Neopet by their Colour

I suppose you thought only plain, unpainted neopets ended up in the pound.

by marauder_on_da_loose
The Small Things

The pink Uni woke as the sun washed over her face, and she smiled slightly. The warmth on her face promised a beautiful summer day.

by dorkishly_cool
The Light Faerie and the Kacheek

Once upon a time, there was a Light Faerie who fell from the sky.

by geniusbulb
First-Time Fisher

First-time fishers, be cautious!

by flames_unleashed
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"The Light Faerie and the Kacheek" by geniusbulb
Once upon a time, there was a Light Faerie who fell from the sky. Faeries falling from the sky have, sadly, not been an uncommon occurrence in the past years...

Other Stories


The Top 10 Neocash Items of Y14!
I am here to tell you what I think have been the biggest hits of the NC.

by greenj12356


Fitness Flakes (tm!)
"We're interrupting your regular programming to give you a few user-friendly fitness tips in our latest installment of '(don't be a) Fitness Flake(tm)!'"

by jocelyn_joy


Everyone Loves the Undead: Part One
There was a tinkle of glass as the pair of Neopets let themselves in through the street level window. The basement was unnaturally dark, even at night, but the thieves knew what they were looking for.

by herdygerdy


Infinity II: Control - Part Seven
Lumin's concern turned to frustration. He lifted himself up in air high enough to look Flicker directly in the eyes and scolded him, "What are you thinking?! I told you not to get involved in this!"

by blueys45


On the Origins of Jelly
It has to come from somewhere.

by midnight_star411


Why Did You Eat My Cake?
I don't think so!

by andy94174

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