Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 190,365,559 Issue: 574 | 14th day of Celebrating, Y14
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Short Stories

Snack for a Turmac

Talk about an inside job.

by warpstron605

Shadowflame was looking from the rooftop. He knew they would come here eventually. He had been sitting there for half an hour now but he knew they were on their way here.

by the_undead_marshall
Keep Out! It's Best You Don't Know Why

There is one place that is near completely ignored, even feared by some: a small island just off the coast of Krawk Island, where the only distinguishable thing is a huge black sign held up by bones, with the words "Keep Out" written on it...

by peronalodis
Luminescent Tears

My eyes locked with a pair of bright emerald. They belonged to a Kougra, one that was glowing radioactive green.

by lion_799
Getting Painted

Topheles had been moping and muttering his way around the house for two weeks.

"I'm tired of being a red Kougra," he said. "When is Rachnisaur going to paint me?"

by rachnisaur

The Collector

Roslyni started off as any other collector would; her first doll was one that caught her eye, and it seemed a call for her from that lonely shelf on the wall.

by msdelirium
The Choosing Ceremony

Each year, on the 1st day of Sleeping, a Choosing Ceremony is held. It's the biggest event of the year; almost all of Neopia attends. Only those who have recently turned the age of 16 can participate.

by beccamcq
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Non-Flash Games

Even now, I think that there is nothing more relaxing than sitting down on a cold winter's day with a cup of hot borovan and enjoying one of these games. So slow down, settle in with a hot cup of chocolate, and get ready to earn some neopoints, avatars and trophies along the way, with my guide on the top 10 non-flash games to rediscover...

Other Stories


Becoming A Boisterous Bori
By the time you are finished completing these simple and easy steps, your Bori will be so pumped up that he won't even want to go inside his underground cave at all!

by kspare2


Geo on Neo: Battledome Exclusive
Just what exactly could the new Battledome possibly deliver? I make my way through Neopia Central to find out.

by icesmith


The Golden Elephante: Part Eight
"As you so kindly pointed out to me, I have no idea how to use this thing," he said, jabbing the butt of his ornamental spear into the ground. "Odion is a fully-fledged magician who held your father down with magic with impunity."

by rachelindea


The Vitruvian Wizard: Part Two
"You're sweeping this under the carpet?" Septimus demanded. "We're scientists, sir! We ask these sorts of questions!"

by herdygerdy


Journey of a Woodland Spirit Part IV
It was a forest of evergreens.

by paws265


Something has happened!

by missvanityhumanity

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