Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 189,978,751 Issue: 562 | 14th day of Gathering, Y14
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Short Stories

Underwater Fishing

Ah, Ye Old Fishing Vortex. A great way to enjoy some time out of the house... and also get some free dinner, as my owner said.

by melina322
Tales From Elysian Fields: The Demon Drink

If Myrvin had one wish, it would be this: To move as far away from Mystery Island as possible.

by bug0704
Saving Raiders Academy

Raiders Academy was large and decaying with ruins taken from the depths of Maraqua for historical purposes, but Pleo always thought it was more hazardous than it was aesthetic.

by saint_carnage
Bon Voyage, Harv & Chip

The journey had taken its toll on the large traveler, and with great relief in his bones, he knew he was finally almost home.

by iambunna
Never My Fault

Where did I go wrong? 

Was it when I made that bargain with The Three?

by mecha_fang

Being a Spy Isn't Always Fun

"Come on, Scout, fly up to that tree and listen for anyone around," Zelju whispered, ducking behind the Wheel of Knowledge.

by itsaliceinwonderland
Unwelcome Visitors

The flakes began to fall quite rapidly when Mika found herself a mere five minutes away from her igloo. She shivered beneath her tight parka...

Also by clintrocks2010

by surath

Curtain. Release

I remember it distinctly: I had just turned four years old and was sitting on the rug in front of our fireplace...

by shadyy15
Chocolate for the Chocolate Ball

"Congratulations! This is your official invitation to the Year 14 annual Chocolate Ball! You and a guest will get to experience the finest chocolates Neopia has to offer! Be sure to look and dress your best!"

by dr_tomoe
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"Curtain. Release" by shadyy15
Eyes of fire. Muscles of steel. Elegant poise. A loose strand of hair tickles my neck. Mustn't flinch. Deep breath. I await the first notes with trepidation. My palms sweaty, my eyes on the floor, my arms resting lightly on the fabric of my skirt, my feet trapped in their pointes. I can hear the ragged quality of my breathing and feel a tremor in my right leg....

Other Stories


The Seven Savoriest
Seven berries of the highest order with luscious and diverse flavors.

by seamonsterlake


Top 10 Best Chocolate Items
I've gathered the top 10 chocolate items that will sure get your mouth watering, chocolate lover or not.

by cachorritalinda12


His Name is Kribal: Part One
Putrid fumes filled the grim passages cut into the harsh terrain, the purple tunnels burrowing ever deeper beneath the surface of Neopia's only moon.

by d_morton


What Lurks Below: Part One
It started out as just another day at the plushie factory. One of the managers was explaining to a group of dropouts how, if you shredded it just right, no one would know the difference...

Also by gwendarwen

by ilhs11


Anyone have some Dorkleberries?

by lucas4429


Hidden Wonder: Junior Defenders
Everyone is welcome as a Junior Defender!

by seraphicbrie

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