Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 187,220,020 Issue: 517 | 21st day of Collecting, Y13
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Short Stories

The Mystery of the Safety Deposit Box

"It's the safety deposit box and you're not allowed in it, got it?"

by hannahcreep
One Hundred Thousand Dubloons

An old Blumaroo tells a story about when he was a youngin'.

by nintyplayer
Hubert's Hotdogs

If I ran a food store, I would make everything properly and not charge too much for it.

by nirette
The Last Time I Do Something Nice

Skooter910 does not approve of this message.

by skooter910
The Little Voice

Her wings were so small; they had never grown as big as all her other faerie Shoyru friends. Her family told her she was special, but sometimes she wished she wasn't.

by lotusbutterfly
The End

Terri grinned to herself as she reached out for the medallion. As it sat in its small pedestal on the large stone altar, it looked like a completely ordinary gold medallion, but she knew what it really was.

Also by bipolarchick

by draconis

A Sister's Dream

Lacy didn't mind; at least, that's what she told herself.

by little_lady_goddess
Leave No Agent Behind

"Excellent work, agents! Now Yurius is behind locked doors, all the petpets are safe."

by chimp_chicken_fish
Amlin and Stick, Part 2

"I can keep him, right?" Amlin asked.

Also by np_faeries

by bittersweet52

I Am of Stone and Fire

Based on a true story.

by potatoobsessed

"Lindy, hurry up, or the boat will leave without us!"

by jeran_b
Search the Neopian Times


"A Sister's Dream" by little_lady_goddess
She coughed and shrugged. "It's alright, Mel," she said brightly. "Good for you, though! Soon you'll be the greatest Battledome star there ever was. And I'll always be there at every single battle, cheering..."

Other Stories


Shop Early: A Holiday Gift Guide
The Day of Giving is really just around the corner. Before you know it, all the major Neopian holidays will be upon us...

by futuretxgovernor


Top 10 of the Better Looking Morphing Potions
Magic items are always unique. Morphing potions are always amazing!

Also by rukiarghh

by _white_spirit_


The Dethronement Cabal: Part One
I wheeled about to return to the road when I heard hushed voices drifting out of the tavern via a nearby window.

by patt788


Family Gatherings: Joy, Terror and Chocolate Cake? - Part Two
"Birthday breakfast!" Zee exclaimed, almost bouncing on the spot before spinning around and rushing out the door.

by miriel


A Spooky Halloween, part 3
Trick-or-treating is nutritious!

by ghostkomorichu


Flight of the Pea
There is no stopping a Pea on a mission!

by typhoon8890

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