Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 185,826,977 Issue: 501 | 1st day of Swimming, Y13
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Short Stories

The Making of a Star: Xana DiLanche

Xana only managed to read a few lines of her prepared speech when her nervousness overcame her, and she began to stutter so badly that no one could tell what she was saying.

by alex313
Innocent Eyes

It was technically his first time ever actually staying in the pound. The grey Lupe had been traded from one owner to the next countless times throughout his life.

by allison_kitty11

There was only one thing wrong, she felt, with the way she looked.

by justinamorgan
It's a Sunny Side Up Day

"Oh my, you know it's a wonderful day when the flowers smell just like breakfast."

by alt1981black
The Air Faerie's Quest

I was one of THOSE pets. Yes, one of those who looked out at the world from inside a cage.

by saqo
The Heir To Altador

The story behind King Altador's greatest secret...

by madidogs88
Illusen the Kadoatie #2: Beware the Wrath of Jhudora

"Oh, Oblivia!" said the Kau. "How can I help you today? Another quest from Jhudora?"

by skittyfan100
Kep and Shaye: Forever Friends

Uh oh. Tandrak knew he was in trouble now. He had very little time to react before Kep Bonnefie came bursting in the room.

by monkiegurl_22
Piece of the Past

I wonder who that guy was.

by rpheart124
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"Kep and Shaye: Forever Friends" by monkiegurl_22
Tandrak Shaye awoke to the sound of a Crokabek calling outside his window. The Darigan Gelert pulled his blanket up over his head with a groan and mumbled something about wishing it would shut up. After he came around to being fully awake, he realized that light was beginning to stream through his blanket. Wait, light? He could not believe that it was already morning and threw the blanket off to the side of his bed. Yup, it was morning...

Other Stories


In-Depth Training Made Easy
You can train your beloved pet to the heights you always dreamt of.

by heart_of_sword_


Grarrl Keno - How to Play Like a Pro
Grarrl Keno is a game most people play only for the avatar and then forget about, which is a shame...

by htamale


The Last Days of the Citadel: Part Five
Narissa realised Clivia was climbing to the top of the High Tower. Her breath stopped for a single second when she realised what Clivia was planning to do.

by phoenixs_angel


Out of the Shadows: Part Three
He had had the sensation that they were being watched and followed for some time, but didn't mention it to his companion.

by yami_no_prodigy


Up in Smoke
Uh oh...

Also by elyk442

by khiton


For Lack of a Better Idea - 4 of 4
To be fair, I don't know how CC eats either.

by saro_the_legendaerie

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