Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 188,131,369 Issue: 490 | 15th day of Eating, Y13
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Short Stories

Turning the Tables of Ice

The slick, frozen, treacherous steps leading from Happy Valley to the Ice Caves have made themselves familiar in my mind...

by cotton_1_4
Memory Hunting

"So this is where you dropped it?" Zisse inquired politely, a notebook held firmly in one fin.

by blumen
The Wise and the Musical

Wiselon was one of the youngest lords of Brightvale...

by dave_ofwales
The Black Rose

It all started with a rose...

by catlit262
Say Nothing at All

We say it best, when we say nothing at all.

by jdb1984
The Misadventures of a Neopian Times Reporter

Out of the blue, four years later, I spontaneously decided I was going to do it! I was going to become a freelance journalist!

by kristykimmy

"Come out from behind that rock!"

by candylandtheonomy
The Memoirs of Maeika

I thought my life would end with Tae by my side, but then again, I thought it began that way, too.

by chestnuttiger787
It Was A Reality

The curtains were drawn, and she daren't look outside. She daren't look outside after a certain time in Neovia.

by ceasei
A Day in the Life of an Acara (in her own words)

She had a feeling today was going to be a great day...

by trekkie_54
Whitney Tungsten: The Agent of the Opera

Anyone would think that Tungsten was a regular opera-goer. Which he was. He was also a spy...

by yoyti
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"Say Nothing at All" by jdb1984
As I watched, I suddenly felt a paw on my shoulder. I jumped and turned, seeing Zoey standing behind me, her flute in one hand. Once she was sure I was looking and paying attention, she used sign language to say "You should go outside with them." I shook my head, but didn't turn away like most others probably would. Since I couldn't hear, I had to keep...

Other Stories


Pet Pound Predicament
Everybody hates seeing all those abandoned pets at the pound.

by plushie_freak17


Interview with Jhudora
As soon as I had decided to interview Jhudora, everyone seemed to have started to question my sanity, but...

by jeran_b


The Family Reunion: Part Three
"The Meet Skye Tyler event isn't until Thursday, I'm afraid," she said instead of a 'hello'.

by thediractor


The Grass is Always Greener: Part One
"...back then we all helped each other and were all best friends forever."

by elly042


Slorg Friends
Aren't you sad?

Also by midnight_009

by icanhaskaila


Blah Blah Blah

by sixpows

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