Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 183,173,032 Issue: 472 | 3rd day of Celebrating, Y12
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Short Stories

The Mystery of the Missing Picnic

It all started on a warm, breezy day in Meridell.

by mango_mango101

Don't get bored of your pets. They shouldn't have Neopoint value - only value in your heart.

by foreverh0mes
Shea's Nightmare

The purple Shoyru's face was halfway under her covers. "And-an' then what happens if... If the Shadow Usul... catches you?" she squeaked.

by boscoemax
Titanuis and the Invisible Pyramid

Titanuis had spent the rest of the day in his bedroom reading and looking at maps. There were stories about an invisible pyramid that was only visible the moment when the sun rose and set...

by vendince
Academics and Dust

The library had been arranged according to the Dewey Decimal System, but no longer adhered to those rules and regulations...

by fuzzymonkey31
Upon Spiralling Mountains

It is said, that a long time ago, when Shenkuu was a small village...

by sylviau
The Piece to a Larger Puzzle

The sun was beating down overhead, and my owner was just lying there by the river, her feet dug into the sand as the desert's sun beat down overhead. My owner always had these bright ideas of adventures.

by deajea
An Odd Campaign

What would be next? "Preserve the zucchini?"

by fluffywoy
A Measure of Trust

Hanso first met Brynn when he was still at the beginning of his... illustrious career.

by crovv
Your Slimy Admirer

Sometimes friendship comes in small and slimy (and unexpected) packages.

by proudpony
Stone Faeries, and Other Annoying Things

"Nothing," I replied. "I just wanted to say thank you for helping me save Neopia."

by 7splat52
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Your Habitarium

The latest game to hit Neopets has taken Neopia by storm. Although only in the BETA stage as of now, the Habitarium is as fun as it is addictive. However before you start hatching and raising your little P3s, it's good to know what you're getting yourself into. With more than twenty five levels to navigate your way through there are plenty of speed bumps along the way. Below is my own personal guide to...

Other Stories


Your Beginners Guide To The P3 Habitarium!
You will start out with a certain amount of P3s. In order to begin working proficiently, they need to be spaced out among the resources.

by standingdown


Truth About The Gallery Spotlight
A guide in which beans are spilled about the Gallery Spotlight.

by magic_by_heart


Hot Herb Tea and a Happy Ending: Part Six
"Rubia, another of my dreams came true."

by ellbot1998


Ties That Bind: Part Seven
"What's wrong with you, Harwood?"

by merlynia


The problem with backgrounds...

by chibino


Spots, Dots and Carrots
Just another Neopian weirdo. o_O

by lovisa966

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