Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 186,904,155 Issue: 465 | 15th day of Collecting, Y12
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Short Stories

Thanks for the Memories

"Hey, you ready for the big move?" I was just as excited as he was; Mystery Island sounded so cool.

by pippin_me
Hidden Talent

A job sounded an awful lot like work, something we both studiously avoided.

by alex313
Chasing A Game

It was not that they would deny her. But she was slender and a girl, so they thought she could not play with them without getting hurt.

by aroeai
Good Night, Sleep Tight

I know, I know, she's only a baby, but she's a menace, I tell you!

by meggierules2129
Origins of a Shop Wizard

He took a cautious sip from the chocolate. "You know, I used to be a terrible shopper."

by neptune_star17
The Chronicles of Fenwick: Shadows

Two figures in black cloaks identical to her own had appeared โ€“ one from the top of the stones... the other, through them.

by aycerilth19
True Heroes

"You know she's in hiding. She's the Zafara Double Agent, after all. I don't think she'd go around advertising it."

by shelbymcb85
The Lost Snorkle

I am not happy right now. I was almost eaten. Yes, you read correctly. I WAS ALMOST EATEN. Who even does that anymore?

by icanhaskaila
Girl vs Boy: Unis in the Battledome

My armor-clad hooves nailed my opponent square in the chest. That blow took the last of his hit points...

by blackghoulmon
Ilsith's Imagination

"Now, I'm gonna show you all something amazing. Nobody else can do this, not anybody anywhere, not ever!"

by kougra_luff
Boring Bori

The pound is a harsh place for an uninviting pet.

by garbot
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"The Lost Snorkle" by icanhaskaila
Today has NOT been a good day. I have no idea where I am, what is going to happen to me, or who my kidnappers are. All I know is that I am not safe. I was minding my own business, playing some games with my owner and a giant Grarrl came and took me down...

Other Stories


How to Take Care of Your Pets
Because lots of Neopians don't know how to do it...

by _catharie_


A Neopian's Guide to Freezers
I'm going to show you the different types of freezers and what they do.

by rider_galbatorix


Chronicles of the Chosen: The Last Battle - Part Three
"Have you ever dreamt that something would happen, and it did?"

by pretsel_is_back


The House on the Hill: Part One
Most of the stories of Werelupes and wicked faeries roaming the forest were just that โ€” stories โ€” but every once in a while, they turned out to be true, and even the most fearless denizens of the Woods weren't willing to take such a risk.

by izziemushroom


For the Lulz - Family Values
So have YOU adopted a Blumaroo yet?

by mooseydoom101


How Did This Get Here
Sometimes I feel as if Coltzan doesn't like me very much...

by regimental

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