Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 188,131,371 Issue: 460 | 10th day of Gathering, Y12
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Short Stories

A Declaration of Peace

From: The Meepits

by setokaiba_4ever
Decision by the Sea

From under the waves, Whysperinthewind watched the girl standing on the cliffs and crying. Whysper's heart ached...

by aldavis822
Questing for Kateils

Then the Faerie laughed and said, "Come find me then when you find one!" And with a snap of her fingers, she was gone.

by chelsey22189
Paintbrush Palaver

My heart sank. Both items were too expensive.

by georgia7000_8_8_8
Welcome to Your New Home!!!

"It's your new sibling!" she announced excitedly. "I adopted it from the pound."

by izzytee
Saving the Wheels

Cheikz and his sisters are coming to Save the Wheels!

by bluerang1
The Shy Coconut

A dark haze covered the fairgrounds. People thought it was a gimmick to celebrate the spooky holiday. It wasn't.

by skizzabella
The Peophin Princess

Mustering her courage, Lily swam to the palace gates, only to be stopped by the guards.

by acorna12
Sunny and the Sea Salt Butter

Sea salt butter?...Yum!

by sunrae55
A Serving of Prank Pie

"Word of your little pranks has been well spread in this area. Grundaar does not approve of such silly behavior, and I come to warn you that if you attempt such tricks with him, you'll find yourself outmatched."

by dlandwehrs4816
The Baking Contest

Sweets, true to her nickname, loved baking.

by goodsigns

Sure, she freaked out and demanded to know where I had been when I left without telling her, but she was just overreacting.

by anemics
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"The Shy Coconut" by skizzabella
The fairgrounds are nearly deserted now. A stray Neopian or two venture in and play a game of chance. The ferris wheel fell and now is spun sideways on the ground. The prizes are dangerous and make the players regret their visit. The fun games have been rigged and are nearly...

Other Stories


Salvaging Your Safety Deposit Box
When your safety deposit box get overstuffed with pages of useless items what should you do?

Also by jesshiepls

by carrotbreath


Writing a Story: The Beginners Guide
You'll never know if you can get published if you don't try. So what are you waiting for?

by uberdancingdolphin


The Tales of Maraqua: Part One
As the hours passed, however, the whirlpool expanded. Day turned into night...

Art by desert_gp_dragon2oo5

by desert_gp_dragon2oo5


The Hero From Meridell: Part Five
"I was hoping you would send me into the field with Zamrin. After all, two swordsmen are better than one."

Also by bestpet21

by seuzy13


The Haunt Of Howl Hall, Part 13
Should have thought of that sooner.

by buizelmaniac


It's Coltzan's Shrine!

by 0mgzz

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