There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 179,262,770 Issue: 440 | 23rd day of Eating, Y12
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Short Stories

My Brand New Old Sister: A Species Change Story

"Eww, a Kacheek Life Potion?! There must be a mistake. Like, who will use this? None of us are Kacheeks!"

by akitera
Fairground Games and Blumaroo Steaks

"You do understand that Blumaroo Steaks aren't really made of Blumaroo. Right?"

by sainteven
The Essay

Finally, he reached Ara's desk. This is it, she thought. My A+ is in the bag!

by pretsel_is_back
The Colour of a Reward: A Faerie Quest Story

What Una didn't know was that something wonderful was about to happen, and it was going to be one of the most memorable events in all her life...

by alt1981black
That Space Station

"Home away from home. Ma, this is room number 754. We stayed here last time," Mana complained.

Also by _maine____

by zomutt_ofthe_lab_ray

Kau Says

"Hey!" yelled the little Kau, "Knock it off!" 

"Whatever, Pipsqueak!" the Grarrl retorted.

by falonony

The Werelupe Of Neovia Lake

Something terrible is happening at the lake. I can feel it, every night I get the same chill down my back....

by tyranosaurus_rampage
Hyperion: The Watchers

She held a wide-brimmed hat in her left hand, fanning herself till the gold waves of her hair bounced up and down like a breeze had blown by.

by micrody
Silverlight: Benjamin

As far as the blue Lupe could remember, his birthdays had never been very enjoyable affairs. Every time a new year came around, it seemed to carry a new responsibility...

by haikumonster
Fried Eggs and Faerie Paintbrushes

"Well, of course I want a Faerie paint brush, but that doesn't mean I want to follow you on boring errands."

by littlest_wiley

"Master, what exactly are you making?"

"It's a secret, Kooks."

by ezel68

Searching for the Isle

"I'll leave this place," Jasmine decided. "I'll be rid of the feeling that something is missing from my life, and I'll go find a better home on some other island."

by blue_brownie_
The Boy Who Lived Under a Rock

"Oh! You must be Gabe," she said kindly. "Welcome to your classroom."

by iced_angel_loves_you
Cybunny Chronicles: Two-Sided Rescue

"Yes, ma'am. You have your first mission." The Usul's shriek of delight made the Defender wince in pain.

by mckinleybooksfan
Search the Neopian Times


Skirmishing Skirmishers

Intense music fills your ears, and you shudder as your last Kougra is taken off of the board. All that remains now are two Scorchios and the Eyrie leader. You have already determined the location of the other team's Eyrie, but your three remaining pieces are no match for the four others that rest on the other side of the board. You ponder for a moment; if your Eyrie dies, the game is over, but neither Scorchio has any attack power. What should you do?

Other Stories


You Know You Are Addicted To Neoquest II When...
You know what follow the puddles means.

by xilimirg


Campaign Against Money Tree Pollution
We have to act today to save tomorrow!

by absdafabs


To the Infamous, We Salute You: Part Four
Tally felt her eyes well up with tears. She had been gone for longer than two hours. She was going to look like this forever.

by water_glass


The Winds of Change: Part Six
"You had the courage to do what no one else could have done. Neopia can live in peace once more..."

by icedragon_14_1


He's not REALLY that grumpy...

by mikibunny


Imiya's Even Worse Nightmare
Sometimes a nightmare doesn't end just because you woke up.

by neonbunny

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