Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 173,663,018 Issue: 406 | 21st day of Hiding, Y11
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Short Stories

The Smallest Shop

Alexandria sighed. "Mom, can I go restock today?" She didn't like doing any of the tasks needed to run a shop, but with restocking at least she got to run around.

by chocolate_fudge7
A Short Usuki Tale

Lucas may not be a very brave name, but I'll take it anyway!

by 1cecubeh
The Adventures of Daine - Copier v3.0

"Easy peasy," Daine assured her. "Our Grundo homie in there uses these weirdo powers to psychically zap us onto the Space Station. Watch!"

by taipeiss
Sun Shine

As it was, he was standing outside of the NC Mall. He stared in the window with his face scrunched up as he thought.

by bamboo_soda
Midnight Stars

To be honest, he was sitting outside because he did not have an owner, a home, or even a place in the world.

by shadowstar480
Puppy Blues

Keno the Puppyblew loved to run. There was one problem, though. He was faster than everyone he ran with.

by trickys
The Clockwork Yooyu

"Yay Team Lost Desert! Wooooo!"

by tanikagillam
Sammy the Imaginary Friend

"No one believes you’re real," Freddy said miserably. "But I know you are."

by 5qua5h5qua5h
Annual Usuki Doll Convention: Oh to be a part of it!

That blissful time of year had come around again, that amazing, exciting time! It was the Annual Usuki Doll Convention...

by nerdytiger
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"Sammy the Imaginary Friend" by 5qua5h5qua5h
"Freddy, you're too old for imaginary friends." Cara turned her head this time, her long, blonde hair falling to her shoulders. "Plus, you know that we can't afford something like that." Cara quickly turned back around and scraped all the vegetables into a small pot...

Other Stories


Customizing VS Paintbrushes
Customization allows you to "paint" your pet a colour no one has ever painted them before.

by candyrabi


A Guide to Dodge those Balls in Darigan Dodgeball!
As if the spiky balls aren't annoying enough on their own, they will fly faster and faster as the game goes on.

by facetiousmind


The Dragon Flower: Part Five
"I wish I wasn't the one to bring you to the Captain. I hate being the bearer of bad news."

by waterfairyrani


After the Altador Cup: Part One
Dasher had acquired the map that told where Altador's long lost treasure was buried...

by crazy_4_sushi


A Game of Cards part 6 of 6!

Script by water_park1993

by thewizardess


Pet Cubed
an introduction

by quiched

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