Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 173,003,368 Issue: 402 | 24th day of Swimming, Y11
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Short Stories

Wohm: The Reluctant Hero

"Who are you?" Fyora demanded. "What am I doing here?"

by mamasimios
Banana Cream Coffee

He looked up briefly from the thick pages. "I'm afraid this one isn't for sale. I'm in the middle of reading it myself," he explained.

by moonclasp
Ten Neggs Sat on a Shelf

It was night time in the Neggery, and ten Neggs sat on a shelf quietly, thinking to themselves.

by rosabellk
The Phantom Stylists

An epic tale about survival, crazy hair-dos, and 4 neopets and their owner.

by olim333
Best Friends for Life and Longer

I don't know what to think. Did she really write this letter to me? After everything that had happened so long ago? She wants to be friends again?

by rhosymedre
Such a Snotty Grundo

"Hey, look on the bright side, Xeto. They could be serving orders of Grundo Toes again."

by dlandwehrs4816
A Place of Rest

Slowly, ever so slowly, the stone wakes. As it does so restlessness seizes it and it trembles...

by ntkgwgoty
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How to Prepare For Apocalypse

There are infinite ways in which the final and inevitable destruction of Neopia may come to pass. In this article I intend to prepare you for four such possible scenarios. Future installments in order to safeguard you against the many possible sources of doom may follow, unless by then I am relocated from the Shenkuu Observatory to the Neopian Hospital for the Slightly Strange...

Other Stories


The Impending Apocalypse, How to Prepare Yourself
Neopia is a world constantly on the brink of destruction. And that is why you need this information.

by aevenanil


A Guide to Advanced Fonts
Let's get a better understanding of what makes fonts look polished and tasteful.

by jj2277


The Messenger: Part Three
"I was thinking that maybe it had something to do with tombs, you know?"

by iamcanadian1428


Issue 400: A Confession - Part Three
Zylaa didn't report me right away. She seemed rather startled by my candid reply to her question, but she didn't go running to the nearest guard.

Also by sariphe

by chocolateisamust


Don't Look a Gift Uni in the Mouth
Funny how Maraqua is underwater....

by riverhorse6


Jack of all Trades
Fire Pets

by robbiepants

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