The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 170,869,764 Issue: 395 | 5th day of Relaxing, Y11
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Short Stories

Petpet Talk: The Petpetsitter

"You know," Arnold said to his Mootix Max as the two lay on the back porch, "I'm beginning to get a little bored."

by christmas_ice
Journey to the Lost Isle

Samiko was a Faerie Polarchuck. He was just like any other ordinary petpet, just like the ones we look after...

by nightwolf_rider
Song of Freedom

"Hey, I'm about to save your life, so quit complaining!" she exclaimed.

by xxxmagiabellexxx
Crimson Leaves

"Yeah," Kale said as he pulled his sister indoors. "It's freezing here, and the doctor said you need to rest, remember?"

by punctuation_ninja
A Pile of Soot with Eyes in a Christmas Hat

"Sam, don't you wanna rest for a bit? I mean, we've walking for ages... we could stop for a slushie, maybe? Or an ice cream?"

by _im_someone_else_
Selfish? No Way!

"I'm so sorry to bother you, but would someone PLEASE get the door! I'm in the middle of fixing dinner!"

by sarah24hd
Friends Forever!

"Hey, why don't we play Snowager, for real?"

by dragonstorm_75
There is No Place Like Neopia

I started to look around the agency, taking note of interesting features it displayed. There were tons of posters of beautifully exotic places...

by kitty9434
The Kacheek Club: The Petpet Whisperer

"Thanks again for volunteering to take care of my petpets while I'm gone, guys," Olive the Brown Xweetok thanked the Kacheek Club as her parents loaded their suitcases...

by jenlin_25
How Anchu Learned The True Meaning Of Class

"I could never understand why you stopped playing in the middle of the Altador Cup," said Boxer with a pout...

by indulgences
A Candychan Game

The Snow Candychan was nowhere to be seen. Instead, sitting on the frozen water was a small envelope...

by twocents

Everyone possessed some form of magical strength. Everyone had a special, powerful ability linked to the elements. 

Everyone except him.

by dragon10044

Halo the Lost Angelpuss

"Well, I found this little Angelpuss on the side of the road. Poor little thing was starved! I already have enough petpets, so I thought..."

by strawberryswing_
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Impress a Slorg

Who can resist a smile like that? Sure, I know that they go rampaging in the the fields of Meridell, causing endless famines and admitting more fainting incidents into the Neopian Hospital than any other creature on Neopia (with the exception of Jhudora; you don't want to get on her bad side, especially if it concerns Illusen), but think of it this way. No one likes eating vegetables anyway, so what's wrong with sacrificing it all to the Slorg? I'm pretty willing. So if you want a Slorg friend for life, carry on reading...

Other Stories


Catching Up with Former Yooyuballers
The Neopian Times caught up with former Yooyuballers to discover what they're up to now that they aren't training for an Altador Cup team.

Also by half_moon

by dirtyredemption


Six Ways to Impress a Slorg
We return once again to the topic of those ever smiling, ever cheerful, slime machines.

by 00baies_love00


Teleported: Part Three
"Trinity did not run away! Balthazar has her. Hear me? BALTHAZAR. BAL. THA. ZAR."

by crazy_4_sushi


The Broken Soul: Promises and War - Part One
Cove didn't waste much time before he promoted Sarevor into the title of Captain of his Royal Guard. It was only Sarevor that he truly trusted to keep him safe...

by ayame_23


Mutant Musical
Something has happened!

Art by devil_in_a_red_dress

by kaddisti


Starry Stuff
Why is there an item with that name?!!

Idea by mingbetty

by marilltachiquin

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