The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 175,957,962 Issue: 353 | 1st day of Hiding, Y10
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Short Stories

New Flavors

I lifted the smooth wooden spoon to my lips and took a small taste. Ugh, it really was as awful as I remembered...

by sweetie_butterfly
Memoir of a Caption Contest Winner

It all started one day when my faithful Poogle Cheesedoodles and I had snuck into Neopia Central in disguise...

by i_live_under_the_bed
The Princess and the Candychan

Tzila continued to sob, and did not speak of what caused her such grief. Her tears caused the poor island to flood...

by twocents
Petpet Talk: The Daycare

Arnold the Angelpuss whimpered as his owner dropped him off at a crowded room...

by christmas_ice
Treasure of a Lifetime

Thinking it was just another sulking customer, Avi went over and asked nicely, "What will you have to drink, sir?"

by rat_terrier_lover_12
Cheaters Never Prosper

"Two sixes," said Kalora as she laid two cards face down in the centre of the table. Fernypoo noted that Kalora's ears did not twitch...

Also by dollgirl44

by mamasimios

A Very Special Plushie

Bela scanned the gift boxes. None of them had airholes... but perhaps it was a robot petpet she was getting...

by haahaa113
Neovian Shadows

The rough hewn cobblestone streets of Neovia, normally bustling with life, were now vacant at that dark hour...

by bluecloud300
Who, Me?

"Are you going to get up?" said a voice from above...

by dipper70
The Strange Day

YES! Finally, a hot day. We are already three days into summer vacation, and it's been rain, rain, rain! How lame is that?

by little_fairy2008
Lighten Up: Another Comedy In Two Acts

Why did you summon us to your neohome so late at night? I'm not waiting around with you so you can play Deadly Dice later...

by raccoonkid230
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"Cheaters Never Prosper" by mamasimios and dollgirl44
It was with horror and shame that she discovered, one day, that her father had instructed everyone to lose to the young Princess on purpose. Displaying her well-known hot temper, Fernypoo had stormed out of the castle and shouted at her father, "You don't believe in me! I'll show you! I'll show you all!!"

Other Stories


Terminate Typing Terror Trouble
Blast those robots the RIGHT way!

by scarvogue


So, Are You A ___ Collector?
We'll do a word association test.

by s57v58


It's Raining! It's Pouring! Old Faeries Are Snoring!: Part Two
"We've got to make it to the faeries at Darkling Mountain..."

by brokensilent


Dasher Soley's Final Flight: Part One
When you think of a star, you think of something great. Almost everyone wants to be a star...

by doopingla


Let The Games Begin!
2 minutes into the match...

by chikolina


Spooky Crossover
It's a secret.

by i_hate_backstabbers

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