Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 175,958,008 Issue: 352 | 24th day of Swimming, Y10
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Short Stories

The White Grundo

Today was my day. My day to leave this place...

by aspens_author
An Apple A Day Keeps Nothing Away

Not one worker seemed to notice that within one of the crates in the last row, bottom left corner, one of the apples was moving...

by tigerpaw_01
A Terrifying Encounter

His favorite food is JubJubs. I'm a JubJub! At least he can't paralyze me with his roar...

by nomadic_rain
If Wishes Were Fishes

One day, after two hours of hard work picking off the rotten berries, Brian noticed something tiny sparkling in the bushes. He pushed aside the leaves and leaned over to find...

by christmas_ice
Dawn in Meridell

Today was no day to be enjoying the sights and smells of Meridell, though...

by tierellen
The 'Smartest' Pet in the World

"I think I was chasing a talking cookie through Sakhmet, only the buildings were lime green with purple polka-dots..."

by shadow_sabre_
Lights, Camera, Auction!

"For those of you who don't know, I'm Über Usul, and I'm speaking on behalf of Terror Mountain Realty..."

Also by qazfan

by neesboy

A Short Tale

"Why can't I play? Maybe I am a bit vertically challenged, but that doesn't make me a bad player!"

by jayandcourtneyk
Disaster at the Faerie Festival

This year, though, a new faerie was going to arise for hostess. Terror Mountain's favorite Snow Faerie Taelia had decided to take up the task!

by xinnocenceagainx

I gazed sorrowfully at the sky, watching my siblings fly above with graceful ease while I was stuck on the ground...

by huhnchen_gott
Oh To Be Beautiful!

He strived to make more neopoints only to feed me, and I ate more foreign and exotic foods. Then he vanished...

by pippin_me
My Dear Amelia

Oh, Amelia, how I miss you. I am not sure what has come to you – I can only imagine the worst...

by akari24
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The Perfect Petpet

As you may have noticed, Neopets do not come with their own Petpet automatically. You have to choose which one to buy for him or her. But which Petpet should you get for your Neopet? You want to find a perfect little companion, one that your Neopet will treasure. The Petpet will have to be fed, groomed and played with by your Neopet, not you, so it will have to inspire loyalty and a protective instinct into him or her. It should also have a least a few things in common with your Neopet, so that they have a good chance of forming a deep and permanent bond...

Other Stories


What To Do If Your Pet Is An Evil Villain

by seahorsepond


A Message to All Darigan Pets
Attention all darigan pets: Lord Kass has decided to grace you with a special message...

by yippo_yippee


The Treasure of Xutu: Part Two
"Start where the haunted are never afraid,

Where money is stolen and cheapskates are paid..."

by rc81590


Witches Further Abroad: Part Six
The plan has gone exceedingly well. Soon he will be in a position to wreak true vengeance on the people of Kreludor...

by herdygerdy


Art of Randomness
How to fly a kite

by w4lly


It is soo hard to accessorize!

by zellala

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