Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 176,283,234 Issue: 347 | 13th day of Relaxing, Y10
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Short Stories

Boiling Point

"What's wrong, Whiskers?" he cooed softly. "Skip your nap this morning? Why don't you just give up? You're clearly exhausted..."

by bitsy_dj
Simpleglade Hollow – The Not So Great Toe Caper

Lurking beneath the surface of this quaint little town is a deep and dark mystery to be solved... or is there?

by neverhood_grim
A Week At Cockroach Towers

But this story isn't about how I think our life was good. This story is about the week that wasn't so good...

by pippin_me
An End and a Beginning - A True Story

It hit me. She wasn't joking or kidding around. She'd done pound jokes like this before, but...

by waterhime
The Star and Flame Chronicles: Team Work

Spring had finally sprung! Now was the time to dig up wild plants, now was the time to race around outside, now was the time to garden!

by reeses_pet
Shadows Rising

An Usul seeks remembrance in the history books, but she finds that it's not called the Forbidden Mountain for nothing...

by cookybananas324
Smash: The Way of My Life

Smash was everything a guy wanted to be, for if you were the king of Smash, you were the king of the school...

by rotty_paws
Large and (Supposedly) in Charge

Kata and I dashed over to the source of the voice, and were greeted by Faeries. Hundreds of Faeries...

by kotaeia
A New Friend...?

As if on cue, a rather large ixi acorn crashed through the window...

by eschebone
The Dance Teacher

All Mirandela really wanted was a chance to dance in public, on a stage. But every single theatre, dance or musical company in Neopia Central had their doors closed...

by northenlights120
The Trouble with Being Ordinary

They had never really cared about looking different. They were happy with the ordinary color of red...

by singeralltheway

"You know, finding the Neopian treasure would be so cool," Celeste said, staring into space with a dreamy look...

by rainbow8476
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The Best of the Post

So you've traveled to Mystery Island, visited the Island Mystic for wisdom and Haikus, and stopped off at the Trading Post, in the shade of those lovely palm trees. You're searching for a rare plushie or Petpet far too expensive for the Shop Wizard Shops and you don't like Auction Sniping. Maybe you've even read a few guides and articles on how to use the Trading Post. Yet you feel there's something missing, something important you just can't grasp. Something that would you make more than just a casual Trading Post user...

Other Stories


Maraqua's Plea for Help
Summer has started... which means, it is time for the yearly Altador Cup games! Of course with it comes the question, "which team will you support?"

by syariesx


Darigan Neopets: Vicious or Just Misunderstood?
I've written up three truths to convince you that Darigan neopets really aren't all that bad- and can actually be your loyal companions for quite some time, if you'd give them the chance.

by the_past___


Reshar Collifay: A Star in the Making - Part Six
"Now fans," the announcer said, "LET'S PLAY SOME YOOYUBALL!"

by samschelfhout2


Ten Acts Of Kindness, A Techo Story: Part Seven
"You made it into the Neopedia, Master, and everyone is talking about the greatest Battledome instructor in all of Neopia! It's you! Everyone is talking about the old Techo Master on Mystery Island!"

by indulgences


Neopian Anomaly
Around Coltzan's Shrine...

by lizica166


Faerie Alert!
Watch out for this one. I'm super serious.

by kontinasu

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