Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 176,283,343 Issue: 343 | 16th day of Hunting, Y10
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Short Stories

Where Neopets Come From

"Where did I come from before I was Halloween? Where did all the other blue Shoyrus come from?"

by flingingfire
I Found You

I've rambled on long enough, Miguel. I hope you're doing all right, and I look forward to your next letter...

by micrody
Appearances Are Not What They Seem

Blue. What wealthy Neopian wanted an unpainted pet? It was her petpet that eventually got Tulip adopted...

by mudkippikdum
Kindness Is What Matters Most

Mrs. Owen glared out at them. "And you will all have a project due tomorrow, too. You'll do this project with a partner of my choosing..."

by paopu_fruit134
Calm After the Storm

She had finally finished. Nothing could ruin her joy, nothing except...

by cdong27
A Tale of Two Islands

Don't get me wrong, here. I liked Lutari Island fine. I was just getting tired of the same fog every day...

by 4zure
Attack of the Trees

"The Monster!" the Usul cried, pointing to the tree. "I-it t-t-tried to eat me!"

by count_the_stars

"Well, what if instead of spending millions buying paintbrushes, we just make some?"

by bettyming
Ten Minutes Until Sundown

"What will my friends think?" he thought sadly. "Pink. Wings. Girly! Everyone will make fun of me..."

by the_blueberry_tree
If You Just Listened (Translated version)

"Ah, Eteckt!" the Usul called happily, already scampering up the boulders...

by sswpyo
The Rainbow's End

He'd been told he smiled too much. This wasn't true. In Zed's world, there was no such thing as smiling too much...

by jayandcourtneyk

I am writing to you from Terror Mountain. After our escapades in Meridell, we were taken there to help with another crisis...

by precious_katuch14
Picnic Surprise

"Hmm, I'm not sure this is the perfect picnic spot, Belle," Liberty answered, a little hesitant to set down the basket of food...

by housers4
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Darigan For the Cup!

The third annual Altador Cup will take place this June. If you know all about this event, take a minute to paint your pets Darigan, proclaim your love for the almighty citadel, buy from my shop, or do something else productive while I explain. The Altador Cup is a yooyuball tournament between the worlds of Neopia. Yooyuball is a game that is only playable during the Altador Cup. During gameplay, one team plays another, trying to score the most goals before time runs out. Each win earns points for one's team. Basically, each world tries its hardest to earn more points than its weekly opponent. Whoever has the most...

Other Stories


Playing Favorites
Even if you aren't a regular gamer, I hope this guide will give a little jump start to your gaming career.

by violajunky


Which Mystery Islander Are You?
Is Mystery Island a mystery for you? Or is it like home sweet home?

by makanaoaloha


Apprentice to Evil: Part Five
Balthazar scooped up a tattered net and empty glass box. "Be done before I get back, when the moon is high!"

Also by chivo

by anjie


The Scary Story: Part Three
Without wasting any more time, Kaize charged down the stairs, intending to reach the door and leave this house for good...

by icesmith


Just Filler
Things escalate so quickly...

by katopia12


Birds of a Feather
What a nice day. :)

by neogirl4749

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