Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 145,941,808 Issue: 306 | 24th day of Hiding, Y9
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Short Stories

The Exchange

"I... I'm so sorry, Aras, I know how much you wanted Zafara Lore, but when I got there it was just so confusing..."

by squire_genevieve
Three Hundred Seconds

As her stylist hurried to apply the rest of Claire's makeup, the Lutari heard the director call out, "Less than five minutes to show time!"

by reggieman721
The Piece of Cardboard Named Hiccups

I knew I had to content her somehow. That was when I remembered those weird little origami petpets that came with the newbie pack...

by getsuei_ryuu
Full Circuit

Nieke used to run every morning, one lap around the inside of the Altador Kingdom wall...

by jen4ever4ree
Memoirs of a Poogle

I was not special then. I was just another dreamer to be scoffed at...

by mithril_mithrandir
The Renegade Snowickle

"Please come down, Soli. My sister doesn't know you've escaped her room. She doesn't need to know..."

by anjie
Take the Field

"Haha, no way! You're no good at Yooyuball; go home and draw or something. Make the teacher proud, teacher's pet!"

by samschelfhout2
Caylis - Moodiness a Myth?

Suddenly Caylis shrank back. More and more Neopets were returning to Old Maraqua to look at the ruins...

by cinnamon_gal
For Better Or For Worse

"I can't believe another teacher quit! What is going on in that classroom?!" Principal Dean sighed...

by colejordan123
A Tale of a Strawberry

Strawberry wildly looked around the playground. All the pets looked perfectly normal. Nobody seemed to be a strawberry, a biscuit, custard, or any other strange color...

by skittykat2_5
Don't Judge a Book (or a Cybunny) By Its Cover

But now she was coming home, and she would be the most beautiful royal Cybunny of them all!

by starry_dragon94
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"The Renegade Snowickle" by anjie
"Please come down, Soli. My sister doesn't know you've escaped her room. She doesn't need to know." The recipient of this request was currently perched atop the heavy gilded frame on the wall. A tiny Faerie Snowickle, cobalt eyes aglow...

Other Stories


So You Want a Robot Pet?
Your pet isn't all fluffy and cuddly anymore. Now he or she is a living metal pet that will depend on you for care.

by jshark105


Six Questions About Shoyrus Answered
Being the owner of four Shoyrus myself, I'll be explaining....

by hkhalie


Eddie Quiggle and the Case of the Missing Petpet: Part Four
It almost made me squirm at the thought of that monster devouring an innocent petpet. However, one thing was for sure...

Also by melbman

by anela19


The Quest for the Moonlit Orb: Part Five
"Does she know...?" Mysia started to ask. She was going to say, "Does she know you're homeless?" but stopped herself just in time...

by alex313


Little Stone Pond
Prize from the Lunar Temple

by stonepond


The Lost Item :o
I can't believe I lost it!

Art by mistyqee

by kagome686

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