Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 142,067,714 Issue: 297 | 22nd day of Relaxing, Y9
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Short Stories

Puppet Friends

"Well, why don't you go find a hobby?" suggested his owner...

by spook591
The Color of Hope

Speaking of pet types... it was time to go adopt her dream pet! She was about to walk out the door, but she stopped, her hand inches from the door handle. Was she really ready...

by kirsche474
How Sisters Are Made

The backfield is exactly what is sounds like, a field at the very back of our property. It is just as sand-filled and eerie as the rest of the land...

by retreat_at_random
Fire and Air

The slender air faerie ducked just in time, unfortunately. Unfortunatelier, the fireball continued forward with no intention of stopping...

by lightninglover34
Teaching Tanya

"Hey! Who are you and what have you done with our teacher?!" she shouted in mock horror...

by sooooocute5
The Rise and Fall and Rise and Fall and Rise and Fall and Rise of the Bungee Jumping Blumaroo

"Face it, no one's excited about seeing the exact same thing time and time again..."

by tambourine_chimp
Two Days with Taelia

Netta could barely make out the figure that drew close to her, shouting to be heard above the blizzard...

by fearthejuliet
Psellia's Homecoming

Siyana was overjoyed. Psellia was coming back, back to Altador and back for good. The Uni messenger had just came to the gates...

by vtguerrero
Pirates, Lab Rays and Mallards: The Time I Ran Away

One of the best changes she got was when Baillyn got changed to Faerie - Dreamer really started collecting neopoints like mad after that one. Jealousy spawns greatness, I suppose...

by usadreamr93
The Life and Times of Zauber_Chiara

The Lupe looked so sad that I tried to talk to him to cheer him up. "So... what are you in for?" I asked...

by drama4ever_6
The New Player

The backstory of how Jair Tollet got to be on Roo Island's team...

by dgj377
Cup Crazy

"Sixteen teams have tried to make it to this day, but only two have prevailed. Everyone, please give a warm and friendly welcome to..."

by funsunny
Search the Neopian Times


Dasher Soley Speaks

The team captain is "Dasher" Soley. Then playing goalkeeper we have Garven Hale. Left forward is Ealyn Hawkshanks. Right defender is Nitri Cassale, and left defender is Zayle Sufhaux. They all sport their red, black, and grey uniforms proudly. I recently had the honour of meeting this team, and...

Other Stories


Derbie Azar: Leading the Lost Desert to Victory
She was the star Lost Desert right forward, known for her craftiness, scoring, and flawless passing skills; and she was talking to me.

by cool_gelert_8_9


The King Behind the Cup: Altador on Yooyuball
The King sits up straighter, more regal than ever. "Ah! What a splendid idea! I played Yooyuball myself when I was younger, you know..."

by smurts


Curse of the Werelupe: Part One
"Great," Jenn exclaimed. "Now I only have to wait for your brothers to wake up so I can give you your present." She seemed to be bubbling with excitement...

by rachelindea


The End of the Rainbow: Part One
The young Kougra shook his head, striving to get loose beads of water off. It was hard to think of a glimmer of hope when everything just seemed to be falling apart within him...

by littlej001


Banana Juice
Oh, no! Your neopet has caught 'Banana Fever'!

by tewa380


Pirates vs. Ninjas?
Because everyone knows that pirates are wussy...

by togepi_forever

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