Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 141,450,161 Issue: 296 | 15th day of Relaxing, Y9
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Short Stories

A Gelert on Treasure Island

Day 4

I was awakened this morning by a school of Noak nibbling on my paws. There is still no sign of land or rescue...

by ngc_5128

An Unexpected Treasure

I couldn't believe it. I had this marvelous island right in front of me. I had found it. It took me a while to understand...

by petitehirondelline
Iron Heart

It seemed like forever before the rope grew taunt, suspending the Wocky in mid-air. As she dangled in the space, she mentally criticized herself...

by chiyo_hoshi
A Pirate's Tale

"Ello, prettykins..." the Aisha drawled, her Krawk Island accent creeping into her voice, "it seems you've come to me for a story..."

by mistydragons

"But I am in the forest," protested Crash. "The forest belongs to no one; therefore, I can roam where I want..."

by timberwolf77121
Midnight Madness

"Aren't you going to come over here? We're about to tell scary stories!"

by broadwaybaby986
Seri's Story

There! A mercurial glint in the water that was not a trick of the light. Seri plummeted, overlarge talons on muscular legs stretching down toward the water and huge, dark wings opening just in time to save her...

by dogs_rule705
Every Klutz Has At Least One Good Day

Now, not only am I clumsy, I'm also very curious. So, I leaned closer to see what the object was. I leaned closer and closer until...

by i_love_dannyphantom
Garlic Pizza

After a while, they began to get bored of Kacheekers, Cellblock, and the Buzzer Game. Marko then had a good idea. "Let's tell horror stories!"

by fiuodisit
Another Day with Jhudora

Ever thought about doing one of Jhudora's Quests? Think again.

by junglebook4
Calm Before the Storm

Xjordy looked down at the floor, blushing, feeling slightly ashamed. Scenette smiled, picked him up and carried him upstairs, the lights occasionally flickering as the storm viciously pounded the ground outside. They were safe inside their Neohome...

by scenette
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"Iron Heart" by chiyo_hoshi
Taking a quick glance back, she saw the climbing rock that had once again defeated her. It was the time of the school year when each student had to attempt to climb up and again Souma had failed the test. Holding back hot tears of frustration in her bright green eyes, the brown pet ran to the back of the crowd, more than ready to get out of the spotlight...

Other Stories


The Art of Yooyus
I am talking about none other than the Seven Yooyus of the Altador Cup!

by __lyra152__


The Art of War: A Guide to Defending Meridell
Invasion of Meridell consists of ten missions, the constituents of which are three battles. The goal of each battle for you, Hero of Meridell, is to convert all the invaders to your side while keeping your villages safe.

by star15389


Neoplay: Two Faeries and a Wannabe Evil Overlord - Part Ten
Panic-stricken, Cera looked at Ara. "Well, I think you found it!" she exclaimed fearfully. She grabbed Ara's arm and...

Also by fsufan266

by kioasakka


The New Prophecy: Part Three
"It's not s-so bad," Fyora lied through chattering teeth. As the Queen of Faeries, she was prepared for practically anything, but this was practically a blizzard!

by vanessa1357924680


An Evil Blechy Hat
They look all cute and stylish, but sometimes, the opposite is true...

by rhcprules177


Roc's Box
Someday, this question will be answered.

by green_roc

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