Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 139,075,757 Issue: 288 | 20th day of Eating, Y9
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Short Stories

A Lesson

Randy had always been jealous of Mozae. It seemed like Mozae always got the better of things...

by honeycourtney
Fruits, Shells, and the Sea

This is for all of us who have ever been afraid to fight for our dreams.

by miliane085
White Feathers and Newsprint

Why has the Weewoo become the icon of all stories and articles ever published in Neopia? Our story begins with a solitary White Weewoo in Faerieland, Zippret, desperately searching for a job...

by hwtennisgirl6
Dirty Habits

Kristie cheered and skipped happily out of her room, dodging the many plushies, books, boxes and other miscellaneous items that cluttered her floor...

by jayandcourtneyk
The Search for the Fish Doughnutfruit

A chuckle sounded from nearby, and a rotund purple creature came rustling out of the trees. "Woogy," it giggled. "C'mon, c'mon!"

by lara_croft14
A Simple Matter of Money

Fouchier is quite possibly the most introverted, sneaky little Lupe you will ever find. He hides everything he buys from me in the innermost reaches of his room, and when I try to question him about his purchases, all I get in return is...

by fading_foliage
The Game

However annoying little brothers are, they can be a lot of fun...

by boofy113
The Cookie Caper

"I already told you! I'm a detective now, and I have to wear my trench coat ALL THE TIME. It shows my authority." I pulled my magnifying glass out of my coat pocket and held it up to my eye...

by broadwaybaby986
Petpet Panic

Plop! A Faerie Peo glides down right in front of you as you go shopping for a Petpet. So of course, you look around for an owner. When you don't find any...

by kotahkue
In the Attic

It was pitch black behind the door. It was definitely time to get out of here. Silver was so overcome with fright that she accidentally tumbled over something...

by hyun713
Easy as "Pyramid Pot"

Lady Osiri brought the clay up and down a few times to remove air bubbles and to get the clay centered on the wheel...

by literalluau
Geraptiku's Song

Overhead flew a strange bird, glittering brightly in the light and blazing with all the colors of the rainbow. It opened its mouth and let out a call, a song, high and eerie but beautifully wild...

by eleanor111
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"Easy as 'Pyramid Pot'" by literalluau
She watched the lump of clay go around and around, hypnotized by it. She whispered to the clay, "Please become a Qasalan Tea Pot. Oh, please, become a Qasalan Tea Pot. I will give you a nice red-brown body and a lovely gold lid. Just please work with me and be a Qasalan Tea Pot..."

Other Stories


The DiamondEyez Review - All About Unknown Diseases
These conditions are rare to come by, but they can affect your pet and you need to be prepared to deal with them, since the hospital can barely diagnose these cases, much less treat them...

by goldenpaw


Altador Revealed
Why one would want a house shaped like a potion is beyond me, although it may have to do with living in Altador, which, as I may have mentioned before, is not normal.

by susankidwell


Catching Up: Part Eleven
The Dark Faerie shook her hair out of her face, letting it flutter behind her in the wind, and concentrated on landing. Together the six Faeries settled their Racers into the gated courtyard...

by extreme_fj0rd


Traitors And Warriors: Part Four
This was it. We had become strangers to each other. We were no longer a tutor and student--not that morning. She would not spare me...

by humgruffin


The Disadvantages of Being... a Mutant Quiggle
The freak show is always an option...

by gamefreak774


The Happiest Neopian
Maybe I should become a better Neopian.

by beccatbh

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