Meow Circulation: 132,843,258 Issue: 270 | 15th day of Celebrating, Y8
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Short Stories


Amayli could feel Ronni's violet eyes boring into her, analyzing her as an assistant and roommate. She didn't care. She found difficulty caring about anything anymore. Whether Ronni liked her or not, it was all biscuits to her...

by animalnutz1993

"Stripes, you see, has been sneaking out every night to do something suspicious, and none of my traps have ever stopped or snagged him in his process. And you add it on to the fact that he always brings that shovel with him..."

by _jadestorm_
Victory Incomplete

It's hard to roar when you weigh about as much as the average bag of flour. It worked anyway. The faerie Acara screamed and fell backwards...

by wicked_summer
Sweet Story, Sweet Dreams

Finally, over the resounding hubbub, with all the strength of my voice, I inquired very loudly, "WHO WANTS TO HEAR A BEDTIME STORY?!?!"

by melina719
The Dancer's Scarf

After Mage had seen me dancing once, she had told me how much fun it looked like and admitted how much she would love to learn how to dance. I had suggested that she learned to dance, which had really seemed to take her by surprise...

by scar19
Witchcraft and the Problem with Mould

Mr. Mouldy wasn't the adventurous type. In fact, he would rather sit in some poor Neopian's inventory eating chips than be out on an adventure...

by 74_countrychick_74
Neopia Central's Darkest Day

"Salem! I need you to--for the love of White Weewoos, what are you DOING?"

by spookyy
A Thousand Miles

Ruff arf?

by blackcairn
Just One Little Question

When she was done, it vanished, just as all Neopian books do. The Shoyru stood up. Suddenly a thought hit her. Why do books vanish when you read them?

by x_icecap
Search the Neopian Times


"A Thousand Miles" by blackcairn
Ruff? Green grassy hills flowed beneath his feet. In the distance below him was a small copse of trees. He turned his head this way and that but saw no one. Ruff! The sun smiled down at him. The blue sky stretched its arms to hug the world. Fluffy, white clouds invited him to play. Ruff ruff ruff arf...

Other Stories


Will No One Think of the Petpets?
It's no small wonder why the Petpet Protection League was formed, but what are they really doing to stop the rampant petpet abuse in Neopia?

by miranda822


Top Topiaries
It is a wonderful time to start planning your Neogarden. If your thumb is really green, you can even buy some of your plants ahead of time and start growing them early.

Also by milla_022

by ngc_5128


Whispers: Part One
"So pack your bags, we're gonna see the pyramids!" Aidne exclaimed as she stuffed the letter into a pocket in her faded blue jeans...

by betazoid_telepath


Shad and Saura: The Story of Elversti - Part Six
"First we risk our heads getting out of the Fortress without being suspected, then we risk our heads finding the Faeries while not getting blown up or something, now we risk our heads trying to get back in the Fortress and then we'll risk whatever will be left of us to break an unbreakable spell even the Faeries couldn't figure out..."

by ssjelitegirl


Boys, Toys, and School Supplies

by christian_in_black


Out of Ideas
I'm not a cookie.

by silmarwen_telrunya

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