Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 122,607,461 Issue: 247 | 7th day of Swimming, Y8
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Short Stories

The Perfect Lock

The red-hot creation that had been carefully dipped into the water was rapidly turning black, and the red Draik smith gave it a tight, satisfied smile...

by shadowcristal
A Balthazar-Faerie Tale

I haven't seen poor Fuhnah since she told me this story. I hope she hasn't gotten herself caught again.

by dark_goddess_rising
One Night at Midnight

He was going to do something he had never done before. This would be the night that he would brave the mysterious lands of the neoboards...

by puppy200010

I suppose it began on the day my owner decided to take me and my three sisters on a visit to the Haunted Woods. It was Halloween...

by valkyriemaiden
The Fearsome Twosome

It was perfect. Its wings were pointed in just the right way; the cloth was professionally stitched, and the pitchfork looked sharp and menacing...

by molly102394
Tales of a Petpet Campfire

"Welcome," a bright yellow Petpet said as he noticed the Faellie. "I'm Flo the Flowper! Is this your first time coming to the Petpet Retreat?"

by micrody
Why Should Meepits Have All The Fun?

"NEXT," said a bored, clinical voice, coming from beside the lab ray...

by sectumsempra1514
The End of the Endless Plains

"You young rascals keep running off. How am I supposed to keep track of you both? I'm responsible while the rest of the pack is hunting, and these old bones can't go racing all over."

by sikki_lo
Some Assembly Required

I had suggested reading, I had begged them to play board games quietly, but it was of no avail-the two insisted upon singing the "Rain, Rain, Go Away" song at the top of their lungs...

by trisshamster
Telling Kep's Story

Most of you, especially you Altador Cup fans out there, have heard of Kep Bonnefie, the Darigan Buzz who for years has refused to speak a single word, yet continues to play Yooyuball for the Citadel team...

by ee365
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Are They Really Bland?

This fish is blue, with a few darker blue and white stripes along its body, some brown fins, two big bulgy eyes, a long thin line of a mouth, and, as you can probably expect from my horrendously boring description of the creature, is known as the Blandfish. The blandfish is the most boring, drab, dreary, dull, insipid, lackluster, spiritless, unanimated, uninspired, vapid, wearisome underwater creature ever to swim in the waters of Neopia. Or... is it?

Other Stories


Whack a Staff Member - a Guide to Smacking Our Heroes
You have staff members stick their head up out of their cubicles, and then you bonk them over the head with your trusty mallet.

by axel_roze


Reeling in the Slot Tycoons
Ever feel swindled at the slot machines? Watching them spin, were you certain those reels were going to fall in line, but some hidden force made them land less favorably? Well, do you want to know what that something is?

Also by dragon_cleric

by heretosee


Pages of a Lost Past: Part Three
None of them had said a word for several hours. The only noises came from the paddle slicing through the clear water and the Island Techo who had been humming since they had left Mystery Island...

by sibertiger9


My Vacation: Part Five
"Ah, they're completely solid!" my owner said, completely certain. Just then, a baby Kougra with a shrieking Ona fell through the ceiling...

by jeanaet


Qnde & Szoo: Missing Peas
Is there a difference?

by shubi5


Super Attack Pea
Can Super Attack Pea be a hero?

by cwog

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