Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 100,597,592 Issue: 199 | 14th day of Swimming, Y7
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Short Stories

Mr. Tanner Teaches the First Meridell War

When the class had all got their books open at the right places, Mr. Tanner took to stalking up and down the aisles of school desks, glaring with squinted eyes at his numerous nervous pupils...

by tambourine_chimp
Awakening of the Count

He nodded in satisfaction. Light - oh, how he hated it...

by precious_katuch14
A Slorg's Story

I think I like my first owner best. I was a naive little young Slorg around that time, sitting in the petpet shop and hoping that someone would buy me...

by shadowcristal
Dane and the Terrible Meepit of Doom

"Wow, a surprise…" mumbled Dane unenthusiastically.

by blubblub317
How Jhudora Got Her Cloud

Jhudora froze in her tracks and turned to look at the glowering Faerie Queen. Fyora was sitting at her desk with the inventory list half-unrolled before her...

by schefflera

"What do you mean, 'what's wrong'? LOOK!"

by sara_mossflower
Full Moon Fever

A growl rang out behind me. Green eyes glared at me from inside a trash can, the lid shadowing the figure...

by squeemush
Out From Under the Shadow

Illusen's mother agreed to take her orphaned cousin, a light faerie, to live with them. And that was when things changed...

by ee365
Dr_Death On Life

I see abandoned pets every day... I was once just like them. Who am I? I'm Dr_Death, and this is my story...

by darkwolf__untamed
A True Champion

The audience had been cheering wildly, but none of them had been so excited as Typhoon, a red Jetsam, who had been watching the race from the shore at a distance...

by racingwolf
Darkest of Diamonds

There was no time left for Merri to protest. In the next instant the Maraquans were on them, roaring their challenge...

by icedesperado
In The Spotlight

Even though I'm a Rainbow Quiggle, I still enjoy Jubjub Day. I also enjoy Yurble Day and Koi Day and Moehog Day, and pretty much every pet day, as well as the normal days in between...

by nut862
The Visitor

The noise seemed to draw a swirling shape from the wall, which floated around the room above his head...

by eyeslikestars
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Trash Troubles

With the discovery of the Underwater Fishing Cavern in old Maraqua, comes the astonishing revelation of what litterbugs Neopians must be. The number of useless and unwanted items in the world has suddenly skyrocketed, and the vicious cycle of rubbish repeats itself yet again...

Other Stories


50 Reasons the Evil Fuzzles Will Rule Neopia
Ever wonder what it was thinking about that made it smile like that? I'll tell you. It's thinking about total Neopian domination. Forget that amateur Sloth...

by _l_t_e_


The Symol Hole: What It's REALLY Hiding
Then you’re sent a cheerful message of “That was fun! Maybe you can do the same thing again tomorrow!” Maybe it’s just me, but it seems too pleasant.

by sashamax


The Pirate Letter: Part One
You have not heard from me for months, but I still remember you like yesterday...

by czenko28


Paths Not Seen: Part Two
"I'll stay and help you fight. My brother here knows a secret path to the village. He can lead the one that you wish to protect to safety!"

by fierwym


An easier way to get your neopets into babies...

by wicked_dragonite


A Storm and a Kite
When there's a wind, there's a way...

by ssjelitegirl

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