Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 111,440,479 Issue: 193 | 2nd day of Relaxing, Y7
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Short Stories

The Mystery Prize

"Excuse me, Miss, um… where is that silver box at?"

by kikik312
Lola's Love

Robin had never cried. No tears, no reaction. Just……numb. Numb, all over. Or maybe that was because it was raining.

by sunrise1234
Mary Yearning

"Mary," my owner suddenly spoke up. "You've always wanted to know the meaning of your name. I guess this is the right time to tell you."

by scarletrhapsody
Rise of the Malevolent Sentient Poogle Plushie

"Mummy... Poogly just made a funny noise!"

by midnight_tango
A Gift for Fyora

"Oh, Percy today has been horrible! No one remembered it was Fyora Day. I just had to work, work, work!"

by hottamale0774
To The Fairest

"I have a proposition. Let's have a Neopet choose the winner of this competition..."

Also by fetchanddotty

by dan4884

Fyora's Story

The faerie that had introduced the Queen of Faerieland vanished in a puff of smoke, and Fyora was left there on that big stage all alone...

by shadowcristal
Max and the Ghost Lupe

He couldn't sleep. There was a strange voice calling to him. It said, "Come into the woods, little Lupe, I have a gift for you..."

by punkindoogurl
Once Upon a Fyora Day

As the citizens of Faerieland awoke, excitement beat in each of their hearts. Today was the day to celebrate Queen Fyora!

by really_awesome_d00d
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Breaking In

What does Fyora keep in there? Well, we all know what; useless dolls that cost millions, some boring old paint brushes, and weapons made of the finest materials: asparagus and dung. Yes, we would all just love to snatch just one of these rare items up for ourselves, but how?...

Other Stories


50 Battledome Items That We Can Be Glad Do Not Exist
"Next thing we know there’s going to be a sloth ray gun which turns your opponent’s weapons into sludge put out there!"

Also by yudyi123

by mirissister


Wiggle Your Way to Dubloons
There it is, shining away right before your eyes, the avatar of your dreams. Also known as the Smuggler’s Dubloon avatar, you loathe and envy anyone who has it before you...

by plutoplus1


TYNG: Petpetsitting - Part Two
The two siblings padded or bounced to the Neohome where they organized the attic room upstairs with all of the things that Petpets would need, waiting for someone to come. Soon, a knock on the door said that they had their first customer...

by xxaquagalxx


Savak: The Redemption - Part Six
The Lupes didn’t have to go far before they found the duct that the voice came from. They hesitated briefly when the vent creaked under their weight...

by zephandolf


Good Aim
What REALLY happens at Neoschool...

by chokato_x


Sugar High
Welcome to the family!

by sugary_goodness

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