The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 197,607,338 Issue: 992 | 22nd day of Gathering, Y25
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New Series

The Sleepers of Saint Garfir

"Miphie woke up precisely seven minutes before her alarm clock rang. She was, therefore, already vexed..."

by josephinefarine
The Box from 10,000 Years Ago

Join the journey of Teca, the valiant Fire Wocky knight from Meridell, alongside her blind Uni companion, Vyim. Together.

by chantili_doce
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"Polly Poogle's Amazing Race" by skweebz
"Wow...! Look at them run!" exclaimed Polly, watching the annual Poogle Race from the sanctity of her home. An avid enthusiast of becoming a world-famous racer, Polly dreamed that one day she would contend in a top-ranking race where only the strongest and fastest Poogles competed. Her mother and father would always sit right beside her during each race, proud of their daughter and the fiery passion she kept within her to run. Polly's eyes glistened with excitement each and every time she would watch each race from start to finish, and her parents nurtured that passion. There was only one thing that stood in Polly's way of competing, and that was her confidence. She was a shy, soft-spoken Poogle who was always loyal and caring to her friends, but when it came to gym class, Polly would just watch her classmates race on the track, for the other Poogles would gather and watch, cheering on their fellow classmates. "Polly, you watch them run with such focus! Don't you want to run with them, too?" asked her friend, Pelly. "W-well, yes... But, I don't think I'm ready yet..." stammered Polly, trying to end the topic to continue watching them race without questioning. Soon, gym class ended, and Polly had returned to her class. As always, she would watch her winded, panting classmates return from the track with such...

Other Stories


The New Old World
"It happened to be raining that day. That was what caught Ilathu’s attention. It wasn’t an especially noteworthy rainstorm..."

by fenshae


Fyora’s Faerie Festival
"My hands shook slightly as I tried to untangle my hair. I took my brush and tried to brush it out, but it remained..."

by black_skull725


Welcome (Back) to Neopia!
If you’re just coming back after some time away from Neopia, it is good to see you here again after so many years. If you’ve never left, sit down anyway and let’s reminisce together.

by neogirl67890682


FALL-tastic: Best Autumn Items Guide - Foregrounds
Are you ready to enjoy the season of Fall to the fullest? Then check out this guide!!

by sosunub


NeoDorks - Chocolate Ball Edition
Life isn't always "sweet"...

by ixienthusiast


Turn and Return - Pt. 11

by hamster_z

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