Sanity is forbidden Circulation: 197,348,726 Issue: 978 | 10th day of Running, Y25
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All's Wool That Ends Wooll

The 6th day of the Month of Sleeping marks Gnorbu Shearing Day. In recognition of this special time of the year, here are fun things to do with your favourite formerly fuffy Neopet during and after the Shearing Festival! 1. Knit a scarf Gnorbu wool is known to be the softest and warmest in Neopia, so if you're lucky enough to get a bagful of their wool, and you're feeling crafty, watch some how-to videos on VirtupetsTube and knit something! Gnorbu wool does take a little preparation, though, so when you get the raw wool you'll have to clean the wool nice and good. I’d recommend Gnorbu Conditioning Shampoo – if it’s good enough while it’s on your Gnorbu, it’s good enough now. You want to make sure it’s nice and clean – even if your Gnorbu has good hair care habits, once it’s off you can use the hottest water to really scour it. When it's clean, your wool is ready to spin into yarn, and once you have yarn you’re ready to knit up some socks and scarves and hats for your Gnorbu (or you!) to keep warm through the rest of winter.

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