Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 197,022,178 Issue: 957 | 1st day of Eating, Y24
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New Series

The Return of Destiny

"Nice to see you again, dear reader. I mean, I, The Storyteller of this story, would be nothing without you. Thanks for caring about what I have to say. Especially for this magnificent story that I have rescued from the confines of Neopia." collab with sportsagain and noelia_pets

by venused
Lost Origins

This is the story of Haileyyyyyy the Island Uni and Iron_Flipper the Island Bruce

by fuzzballjesse
Nyx the Captain of the Guard

A Gelert finds help in an unlikely place

by rkbear
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Every Holiday Day Handy Event Schedule!

Don’t go out and get a new calendar! Your eyes are not deceiving you! A recent Beta conversion of the Neopian calendar had resulted in an error of placing every single official Neopian Holiday onto the same day! A fix won’t be ready until after that day happens, so unable to ignore it there’s only one thing to do: CELEBRATE IT!

Other Stories


The Clash of Two Faeries on their Special Day
"It was just another day in Neopia... or so Walda the Baby Kacheek thought."

by _brainchild_


Illudora Day
"The Kyrii twirled his beard around one gloved finger. 'Oh, I don’t know. They seem surer of themselves than they let on. And even more so…of each other.'"

by flufflepuff


What I Wish I Knew When I Started Playing
"Starting fresh can be a wonderful thing. So many new things to find and potential goals you can make. Everyone's journey is different. I thought I would share some of my experiences and maybe give some tips to help new players along the way."

by hottendott


30 Ways to Prank Dr. Sloth
"Playing pranks is only a natural part of the Neopian experience."

by treeword


M*YNCI didn't age well...

by ssjelitegirl


Do you know what happened to my calendar?

by twillieblossom

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