Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 196,876,363 Issue: 911 | 14th day of Hiding, Y22
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"The Diary of an Underwater Fisherpet" by illusique
Day 1: So this is Maraqua… The castle looks lovely, the shops and the game rooms look marvellous. And wow look at that line. The Kelp really does live up to its name. Maybe one day I’ll be rich enough to dine in there… maybe. But today, Maraqua is not what I’m here for. I’m here to look for some treasure in the ruins. It takes quite a long time to trudge my weary limbs over to what Maraqua once was - now no more than wreckage. The current of the water tires me as I try to push my body further and further. I should have painted myself Maraquan instead of Stealthy.

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