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"The Origin of the Magical Wand of Magicalness" by pixie_tea
What is a true friend to you? How a true friend is defined is different to each Neopian or Neopet. At times, a Neopian or Neopet may not truly know the meaning of a true friend until they come across one. Would you like to hear a story about a friend and the impact they had on my pet and me as well as how the Magical Wand of Magicalness came to existence? You would? Great! Let us take a walk together and I will lead the way. We do not have that far to walk. I really want you to meet my pet, Karainbow the Pastel Kacheek, because after we meet up with her, the telling of the story...

Other Stories


The Adventurous Yellow Kacheek
A Kacheek and her petpet Hasee go on an adventure to Faerieland!

by bubbles150


The Origin of the Magical Wand of Magicalness
At times, a Neopian or Neopet may not truly know the meaning of a true friend until they come across one... Authors Note:Dedicated to my friend the brilliant and creative Maraquan and to remind everyone to keep on shining!

by pixie_tea


Don’t-wait-for-reset Game Trophies
There are plenty of trophies you can acquire - or at least work towards - at absolutely any time! Let’s look at them together!

by ashley_ru


Getting Your Daily On - Benefits and Pitfalls
An article about the daily tasks on Neopets and their pro's and con's.

by _polonius_


Random Oddness
Endless Mortogs!

by mistyqee


A Series of Unfortunate Neopian Events - Part 3
Altador cup nightmare! In collaboration with nice_collector

by wuackty

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