For an easier life Circulation: 195,899,031 Issue: 883 | 15th day of Storing, Y21
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The Dark Detective

“Dark. Dark, wake up. Dark!”

by tanikagillam
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"Colourful Opinions" by ikiracake
"Oh Martha, your scones are a delight, as always.” “Why, thank you, Constance,” the Kau said graciously, pouring her guest a cup of tea. One would think it would be difficult to handle a teapot with hooves, but the numerous wrinkles on Martha’s face hinted to her many years of practice to master the art. “I tried adding a bit of almond extract this time to give them a little pep.” “It worked,” said the third guest at the table, a diminutive and greying Bruce, adjusted the hat on her head, before selecting another scone from the tray for her plate. “I do declare, you must give us the recipe!” Martha simply laughed and shook her head. “Once I’ve perfected it, Agnes, and not a moment before!” “I doubt you can make them any better than this,” Constance the Yurble scoffed. She gave Martha a dry look over her thick glasses. “Unless you start using magic, that is.” Immediately all three elderly ladies started to titter and laugh as if Constance had made a very funny joke. “Oh Constance, you are so cheeky!” Martha chortled, wiping a tear from her eye with her hoof. “Magic! For baking! Could you imagine?” “Such a frivolous waste,” Agnes agreed with an upturned beak. “Magic shouldn’t be used for such things.”

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Colourful Opinions
I hope this story amuses at least a few people

by ikiracake


The Kad and the Warf Rescue Team
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Traveler's Guide: Mystery Island
If you are a travel enthusiastic, here is a Traveler's Guide that brings 10 awesome places to go on Mystery Island!

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Fostering a Love of Learning
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If The Shoe Fits
You'll grow into them.

by lastnightgus


The Woe of Being Broke on a Birthday
but whyy

by _brainchild_

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