Meow Circulation: 195,875,282 Issue: 881 | 25th day of Collecting, Y21
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The Legend of the Sixth Healer

There once was a great warrior in Altador, a master whose skill and power were renowned across the land, whose reverence for the eleven founders was unmatched, and who was even foretold to follow in their footsteps. Delia was her name. It was a name slated to go down in history, until the celebrated warrior was struck by a terrible illness.

by liouchan
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"Beware The Zomutt!" by manifestbethany
Beware the Zomutt! A shock of light blue fur emerged from behind the Ice Caves' headstone in the Game Graveyard. Large floppy ears twitched as the Neopet raised his nose to the sky and scented the air. The Baby Lupe's red bandanna was disheveled and his eyelids drooped. He had spent the last hour challenging himself with the now retired puzzles in the Ice Caves. He didn't earn any Neopoints from the game, since it was retired. He had earned a little bit of pride from completing the puzzles, and he felt a little smarter. Caspianboi's jaw expanded with a deep yawn as he watched the sun fall below the horizon. He hadn't planned on staying in the Game Graveyard past dark, but he had lost track of time. The graveyard was located in the Haunted Woods, and he could barely see the tip of Edna's Tower off in the distance. He couldn't even pick up a sound from the Gypsy Camp, where he knew a warm fire was probably roaring to keep away the cold.

Other Stories


Beware The Zomutt!
A shock of light blue fur emerged from behind the Ice Caves' headstone in the Game Graveyard. Large floppy ears twitched as the Neopet raised his nose to the sky and scented the air. The Baby Lupe's red bandanna was disheveled and his eyelids drooped. He had spent the last hour challenging himself with the now retired puzzles in the Ice Caves.

by manifestbethany


Making Neopets My Own
In the beginning:

Long ago -maybe not quite twenty years but certainly over a decade - I discovered one of the cutest spots on the internet.

by kayjay_96


Top 12 Tastiest Gross Foods
MMMM eat these ( a follow up to my top 15 grossest gross foods)

by coldblanket


Best Uncle Ever
At least they didn't throw a Hissi fit

by terukiyo


Altadorian Antics - Deep Thoughts
Torakor is a philosopher on his days off.

by coela_girl

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