For an easier life Circulation: 195,728,491 Issue: 872 | 12th day of Swimming, Y21
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"Do You Believe in Magic?" by _brainchild_
Within the grassy meadows of Brightvale, there lived a caring and compassionate Purple Lupe named Snazztacular. She spent very little time on herself, instead finding joy in helping other Neopets who were less fortunate. She found it rewarding to share her excess wealth because it delighted the recipients. Her charitable activities included volunteer work at the Soup Kitchen, as well as donations of Neopoints, flowers, and other commodities. One pleasant spring day, she was growing flowers in her garden, which would ultimately cheer up Neopets at the Neopian Hospital who had contracted illnesses, She was watering the tulips when she noticed a curious, glowing object nestled in the grass.

Other Stories


Hunted Wraith
The cold air blew into Sasshields room as he opened the window. It was night, there was a grand full moon out, and the stars could be seen clearly.

by luvdisc_123


Usuki Singing Stars #44: Usuki-Conned
“I can’t believe you guys got us Usukicon passes!!” Patricia squealed as she followed her friends inside the convention center.

by downrightdude


Your 5-step guide to mastering Raiders of Maraqua
Have you ever thought about getting the Raiders of Maraqua (ROM) avatar, tried and failed to learn the game on your own, gone looking for a guide, only to find that all the existing ones out there are just… inadequate?

by stargirl089


Eye of the Storm: A Trophy Guide!
Eye of the Storm is a low-key, relaxing puzzle game that relies on common sense and a good sense of direction. The premise of the game is to find Cyodrake’s Gaze, which unfortunately had gotten lost at sea. To do this, you must locate the ship (which is located on a tile) among a sea of other tiles (two hundred and forty, to be exact!)

by ayakae


Kadoaties in the Altador Cup
Kads can participate too

Also by Skcratchii

by latrellstephen


Darigan yooyus are... cute?
who knows

Also by Also by mewemy

by marsbarss

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