Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 195,283,450 Issue: 837 | 17th day of Hiding, Y20
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The Crimson Curse

It had an intricate design, nothing like any other of its kind he had seen before; its base was carved into what looked like tendrils wrapping themselves around the jewel, like a squid ensnaring its prey. He flipped the talisman over, on the back was a carving of a strange winged creature that he could not recognize; its body covered in scales and it had wings comparable in appearance to that of a Shoryu or a Draik.

by shadowknight_72
The Curse of the Impatient Seamstress

Justine smiled brightly as she surveyed her sewing room. It was immaculate. Not only was it immaculate, but it was filled with only the finest equipment and materials available. She shrugged the bag on her shoulder off and sat it down on her table next to her sewing machine. She pulled out the pattern she had just bought and sat it down on the table. She had promised herself that she would finish this dress before morning, and she wasn’t ready to break her promise to herself.

by rocksysmom
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"Paranoia" by likelife96
Note: This is a follow-up to the series Duplicity published from issues 710-721. You do not need to have read it to understand the story, but it does help to make more sense as to what's going on. Danner leaned on his desk and rubbed his temples, hoping to coax his blasting headache away. A tiny trail of steam from a piping hot cup of tea wafted slowly toward his head, imparting a most metallic and bitter scent. He did not particularly enjoy tea, let alone this mauled abomination that the castle's potion-master had brewed for him, but it did work for its intended purpose, presumably. And without it, he could not quite focus on a single thing, not even his pain, which, of course, was little more than a sensation. Sensations existed purely inside of his head, and well, you could never trust your own perceptions. They were little more than a flawed imitation of reality, pieces of an otherwise-crumbling mosaic, a tiny sliver of light shining through a cave. Everybody knew this to be technically true. They moved on with their lives as usual, brushing off this miniscule doubt, accepting that an imperfect model was still an adequate representation of the world. Not Danner. He couldn't stop thinking about this point at all.

Other Stories


They Did Not Speak
Art thou casting thine Spell properly?

by skutterbotched


The Neovian Fortune Teller
Although Rascan knew the way, he always felt lost in the Haunted Woods....

by k3l26


The Magic of Meridell: A Sit Down with Kayla
Though Kauvara might be the most famous magic potion master in all of Neopia, tucked away in Meridell Castle resides a vibrant red Zafara known as Kayla. The young Zafara does not hail from Meridell, she has called it her home since traveling through a time portal with her friends. Kayla was born in Neopia Central, where she would spend her days hanging around Kauvara’s potion shop. She has always been fascinated by magic and potion making. When she wasn’t browsing the shelves of Kauvara’s Magic Shop, she was reading books on how to brew potions.

by hectic_haley


The Darkest Faerie Phenomenon: Are We Really Safe?
Since the rediscovery of Altador in Year 7, we Neopians have been dealing with a very serious evil known as the Darkest Faerie. It’s said that she is the most powerful, yet dangerous, faerie in all the lands, and this journalist is in complete agreement.

Collab with blink_darkphoenix

by seismicfury


Dozens: Yummy Yummy in My Tummy!
In which the Candy MP is born!

by mandy_wong


The Magical Misadventures of Super Attack Pea
Looks like it's beyond The Point of No Return now.

Collab with _aragorn_

by joslucca3000

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