teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 194,803,020 Issue: 795 | 25th day of Hiding, Y19
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New Series


There was once a time in Conjure’s history where all magic seemed lost, forever.

Also by emberfusion, kat_bus and illegalangelx

by remidica

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"A Job with a Purpose" by saqo
I started a new job a year ago today. You see, there are some jobs from the Employment Agency that aren’t… well, advertised. For example, working for Dr. Death. I had been created as a Yellow Blumarroo about two years ago. Shortly after, my owner decided to leave Neopia, but before she did that, she abandoned me. She said it was so I could hopefully find a forever home. I spent, it seems, an eternity in a dark, metal cage in the pound. In reality, it was about 6 months. That’s when my current owner stepped in. She came into the Pound one day, and before I knew it I was on the way to her home in Neopia Central. She told me, later, that she hadn’t meant to adopt a pet that day, not really. She was just looking. But when she saw me, she knew I was the pet that had been missing from her account. I joined an Ashia, a Gnorbu, and a Lupe. My owner painted me Faerie. Life was just so… perfect. I had gotten lucky. But, I still remembered the Neopets I had met during my time in the pound. They had been so hopeful! “I know I’ll get adopted someday,” I remember one saying, “I believe it.” Another pet told me one day, “I won’t be here for long. I know my forever owner is out there.” I wasn’t okay sitting at home, doing nothing. I decided to find a job where I could help these Neopets. I ventured to the Employment Agency the next day. Did you ever notice, while waiting for a job coupon, that there is an unassuming white, almost shadowy door in the back corner? No? That’s not surprising, it’s not meant to be easy to spot. Sometimes, it’s not there at all. I did see it, though, and had a feeling that I was supposed to go through it, so I did. There was a stern looking Grey Uni sitting at another desk. This one was different. There were no faeries, no colours, all was quiet. It was a little eerie, to be honest. This was the place to find jobs from the Employment Agency that are a little different. A little dangerous. Not for the faint of heart. But I was brave.

Other Stories


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I turn around and look at her through my glasses, trying to read her expression. Happy, I decide. She’s happy.

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A Job with a Purpose
I started a new job a year ago today.

by saqo


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Some Cures for the Back to School Blues
I've picked one or two items in each category that I believe will have your Neopets feeling too cool for school (okay, maybe not TOO cool).

by danzgirl12


An Interview with Erick
Erick from Neoquest I

by happyinengland


Reliable Rescue Team
No thanks...

by anne77777

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