Meow Circulation: 194,775,295 Issue: 794 | 18th day of Hiding, Y19
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New Series

Who is the Kiko Ninja?

The truth behind the identity of Niten Hiroru is shrouded in mystery. How did an ordinary citizen of Kiko Lake become one of Neopia’s most mysterious figures in history? What’s his story? Hopefully this two-part series helps to shed some light on that.

by seira0807
Of Pirates, Magical Trinkets and a World's Beginning

Fields, patches of forest and tiny matchbox-like houses drifted by, occasionally obscured by the wispy shroud of clouds...

by ssjelitegirl
There Goes That Man and His Kite!

It's a particular interest in society, a hankering to learn about people, as individuals and how they interact, how they view others and how others can influence them. I have a notebook where I will be recording my findings, and, now, I have a red kite.

by dewdropzz
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"Cotton Candy Clouds" by the_gecko_dude_ii
A slim, Royal Boy Gelert, fumbled with a ring of keys in one hand, while balancing a paper bag of groceries in the other. After a few moments of struggling, he managed to open the door into his small, and untidy, apartment. An annoyed sigh escaped his lips. “Elodius!” He called out, his voice bouncing off the walls. He set the paper bag down in the kitchen. “Elodius!!!” “Sweet Fyora,” the young Gelert heard a voice mumble beyond the kitchen. “I thought I’d have more time to tidy up before you got back home.” A Halloween Gelert leaned against the kitchen doorway. He pushed his dark, messy hair out of his face and tried to smooth it down into place. “You really just woke up, didn’t you?” “Etzie, I’m sorry, I really meant to –“ The upset Gelert interrupted the other with a wave of his hand, and began putting the groceries away. “It’s fine, I’ll just clean the apartment myself.” “I can help out, you know, it’s not as big a deal as you’re making it out to be.” “No, I don’t want you to help because I don’t really want to see you right now.” “Jeeze, Etzie, you’re really blowing this out of proportion.” Etzie slammed the cupboard door shut. “No, I’m really not. We split rent for this place down the middle and you do nothing but sit in your room all day or laze around on the couch and eat pizza, which, of course you don’t clean up.” Elodius started to argue back, but was interrupted by a knock on the door. Etzie slapped a palm to his face. “Great!” He exclaimed. Now Tomse and Tira are going to see our apartment while it’s a total wreck. This is so embarrassing.” Elodius rolled his eyes. “They really won’t care, Etzie. You care too much what others thing.” Etzie shot Elodius a venomous glance as he went to open the door. Elodius felt a twinge in his heart. He felt awful for sleeping in so late and not cleaning the apartment like Etzie asked. He knew very well how worked up his roommate got about keeping their living space clean and presentable to others, but he just didn’t see things the same way.

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Xucrão Shoots the Breeze
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You Are Now Leaving Neopia
"We are the Grundos. We used to live in harmony and peace on the planet Doran."

by opossumman


The Art of Bird Watching
Boredom is rarely an issue once you have a pair of binoculars around your neck.

by parody_ham


Kite Flying 101
If there’s one toy that’s a blast in the sky it’s gotta be the kite. All you need is a little bit of wind and you’ll be set for hours of fun!

by hectic_haley


Dinner with the Scarlets: Reach for the Stars 1 of 2
I know how to fix that problem!

by june_scarlet


Nuke and Junior - Taking Flight
Teleportation = Nuclear Flying.

by krabbox

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