There are ants in my Lucky Green Boots Circulation: 194,549,954 Issue: 774 | 24th day of Running, Y19
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"Sunrise and Darkness" by neptunely
A Hissi wound its way around her legs, forming a glittering, slithering bracelet. An Xweetok waved shyly as it splashed in a nearby stream. "You made a beautiful day today," she squeaked out. Sandy smiled benevolently at her and the Xweetok blushed before scurrying off. As Sandy continued on, the animals thinned out and disappeared altogether. She was approaching her shrine, which the creatures were only permitted to visit in the afternoons. For now, she was allowed to be alone in the palace built to honour her. She reached her shrine and entered the wooden structure. The open ceiling allowed the light she had created to pour in and reflect upon the gold and gems that encrusted the room. No one dared steal any out of respect for the Spirit. While she was kind, she was also immensely powerful, and the creatures knew not to test her. At the centre of the room was a small, raised pedestal. Upon it were her offerings: tasty candy, interesting stones, and - she sighed happily – hoof wax. She opened the jar and sat down to shine her feet. Then, everything went dark. Sandy awoke in a room of rough stone and blackness. Even the light from her body could not penetrate the dark that surrounded her. She saw movement in the shadows. It was a creature of blackest black, pure darkness. From it a rough voice resounded: "Hello, Sandy. Do you know who I am?" The terrified Ixi replied: "Yes. You are Baku, the Spirit of the Night. What do you want with me?

Other Stories


10 Snapshots of Princess Vyssa
Far to the South, beyond the Haunted Woods, lied the Lost Desert, and in the heart of these lands, the magnificent Sakhmet City could be found, populated with Neopians, sun-kissed and resilient of the hostile living conditions of the desert. It was in these harsh, barren lands that she had been born.

by miu1109


Sunrise and Darkness
Blowing on it, she filled the circle with warm and fiery light. She stepped back, examining the shimmering canvas before her. Satisfied, she threw it up toward the sky. Day broke over the Enchanted Forest.

Also by gameboyknight

by neptunely


Chipping Ice: The Best Frozen Desserts In Neopia
I've gone to some of the most prominent residents of Terror Mountain to see exactly what their favorite flavors are and maybe they'll reveal why they can't get enough of these icy treats!

by doglover3662


Photographing Neopia
Some photos are lighthearted and fun, while others are on the darker side. An exploration into ancient plots and potentially undiscovered lands, a look at some of Neopia's greatest heroes, and some just a bit weird.

by alyseth


Have a Very Groovy Chomby Day!
Just look at those dance moves!

by kittykrueger


A Fruity Chia Encounter
Why do ya look so sour?

Also by beautiful_unicorn213

by erai

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