Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 194,519,146 Issue: 771 | 3rd day of Running, Y19
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New Series

A Secret Mission in Moltara: Part One

“From our intel we know that the Lupe-Gelert Group has set up this research facility to look into new and destructive Battledome weapons. We cannot allow that to happen. The LuGe is already in talks with the combatant groups fighting over the Obelisk in Tyrannia. If one group gets their hands on this new Battledome weapon who knows what will happen when they will be able to control the Obelisk indefinitely. We need you to sneak in there and to destroy their plans.”

by greenj12356
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Gadgadsbogen Is Here

Gadgadsbogen is one of the best times of year! It is a month-long celebration on Mystery Island held annually for the Month of Running. It is devoted to all the mysterious and delicious tropical fruits found all around the island and is a way to show off the newest harvest and the newest fruits coming into existence.

Other Stories


The Curious Cases of Scamandre the Mage
Scamandre’s job, as the plaque above his desk boasted, was to act as “pest control” and do something about those pesky Petpets. Yet, in this moment, he was mentally cursing the day he ever left home to study magic.

by butterflybandage


Kasheera's Home
Kasheera sighed as she looked out onto the Tyrannian Plateau. She saw Chombies, Pteris, and Grarrls, all playing together and laughing in front of the concert hall. "I’ll never be able to do that," Kasheera thought to herself.

by hollywoodshowbox


Carbing Up On Fruit: Gadgadsbogen Is Here!
There is a long history of Gadgadsbogen and many items and games around Neopia feature the weird fruits that sprout during this time. We're delving into the holiday and getting the true scoop on everything fruity.

Also by alyseth

by miss_cinny


What to Do For a Cancelled Holiday
March 3, cancelled due to lack of interest.

by auraphic


Free Uni Day Training
I got banned...

by ellipses4k


High Flying
Oh, just you watch.

by ramielka

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