Preparing Neopia for the Meepits Circulation: 194,201,542 Issue: 746 | 26th day of Hiding, Y18
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Defender Scarlet Shadow in the Deathly Mission: Part One

In Neopia Central, a dark figure in the night dashed across the rooftops of the darkened town. The street lamps provided the only points of light in the darkness, which the figure gave a wide berth. They did not want to be spotted.

by orisasda
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Leaves - Don't Just Leave Them!

Welcome to the Neopian month of Gathering! The warm summer days are drawing to a close, the lazy days spent during the months of Relaxing and Swimming are now just distant memories, and Neopians everywhere are gearing themselves up for all the festivities that take place during the month of Gathering. There is the Annual Chocolate Ball to look forward to, plus the Poogle Parade and the Faerie Festival, and let's not forget the Annual Gormball Championships! The month of Gathering truly is a busy month in the Neopian calendar, and perhaps so called because of all the celebrations that take place which require Neopians to gather together to celebrate. Gone is the month of Hiding. Now is the time to come outside and be sociable and gather one, gather all!

Other Stories


Introspection of the Misunderstood
The sky shines bright blue today, clear enough that you can almost see to the heavens above. From down here, one can only imagine the vastness of space, of what lies beyond, out of reach from all but the most intrepid.

by mucka33


A Mutant's Best Friend
He was so tired of being made a spectacle of. Mutants were so outcast these days...

by yoshisislandbandit


Erin's Extreme Avatar Guide: Meepit Juice Break
One of the last game avatars I ever received was Meepit Juice Break. MJB is a complicated puzzle game that requires speed, critical thinking, and a lot of strategy

by krazypinkgurl


Leaves - Don't Just Leave Them!
Autumn is upon us and every self-respecting neohome owner will spend a great deal of their time raking up the fallen leaves. Yes, they'll be gathering leaves in this, the month of Gathering!

by tallydepp


Lame Pun: Abandoned Grundo
Oh, Artie, no.

by blackaavar


The Grave Danger's Dance Party
It will be fun, they said...

by stake_6

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