teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 193,986,304 Issue: 730 | 29th day of Eating, Y18
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New Series

Reign of Ice: Part One

Neopets everywhere were taking shelter; it was just about high noon. A giant cloud blew in from the north. The land’s people were at first relieved; rain falls in The Lost Desert two or three times a month. But something was wrong.

by neolikepets
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Springtime Customization Options

As the weather switches back and forth between the end of winter and the beginning of spring, many Neopians are busy trying to update their Neopets’ old winter, Easter, and even Valentine’s Day customizations. Below, I will list a few of the most stunning (and of course my favorite) spring-themed backgrounds, clothing, and other essential accessories!

Other Stories


The Retracticity Core
The day starts with breakfast, like it always does. Borovan doughnuts today, imported from Neopia, just a rainbow ride away from Roo Island. Jeronie makes coffee for herself, musing while she does.

Also by applefaerie99

by crazy_holly_ii


Two Cups of Islandberry Juice
“So I have this idea.” Aristotle A. Avinroo didn’t have to look up from the game screen; multitasking was his strong point. “Do tell,” he said.

by amulet_strawberry


Stamp Collecting For Beginners
So you want to be an Ultimate Stamp Collector, eh? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Don’t worry, I won’t waste your time with tons of useless pleasantries and introductory nonsense. We’ll get right down to business.

by redken9x9


How to Make a Cybunny Carnival Celebration Cake
No celebration would be complete without a cake and the Cybunny Carnival is no exception. But, with the Bakery being in Neopia Central, if you don’t happen to live close by the Breadmaster’s delights could be more than a little stale by the time you reach home. So if you want to impress your friends with so

by equinewhispers


Lawyerbot and Lupes
Lawyerbot is sent on a special Lupe Day task...

Also by yellowpagebeatdown.

by chai7705


Girl Vs. Neopia: No Fluff, No Service!
Well this is just rude.

by courtlyjest

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